02.28.18 Viewpoint 5

Campus Viewpoint 02-28-18

What is your favorite sport to watch in the Winter Olympics?

02.28.18 Viewpoint 5

Giuseppe Licata
Graduate Student

“I want to go snorkeling and swim with sharks in St. Maarten.”


 02.28.18 Viewpoint 6

Nicole Avenil

“Nothing, just working and chilling out.”

 02.28.18 Viewpoint 7

Michael McGuigan

“I’m planning to go to to Myrtle Beach to visit my cousin.”

 02.28.18 Viewpoint 8

Meg Donahue

“I’m going to Disney World!”

 02.28.18 Viewpoint 9

Janet Dustman
Student Life Assistant

“Employees only get off the 16th, so I plan to do something fun that day!”