Delta Phi Epsilon Helps to Raise Money for Hurricane Sandy Relief
Delta Phi Epsilon recently participated in helping raise $585 so far, in donations for charities and foundations in charge of the Hur-ricane Sandy recovery efforts.
Being a University recognized for its location on the shore, Delta Phi Epsilon chose to give back to not only the Monmouth commu-nity, but to all of those who have also been impacted. All funds went to Hurricane Sandy relief foundations in addition to stu-dents and faculty from the Uni-versity who were personally affected.
On November 13 and 14, the sorority set up on campus in the student center and sold “REVIVE.REBUILD.RECOVER” bracelets in order to raise dona-tions. Work Out World generously donated products such as towels, stickers, bumper stickers and other merchandise, which states “Jersey Strong” on them, in order to help Delta Phi Epsilon’s fundraising efforts.
Marisa Meiskin of Delta Phi Epsilon, the creator of this fun-draiser, explains, “The reason I put together the event was because we are a school so close to the beach.” Meiskin said, “We see the first hand damage that the hurricane has done to surround-ing areas. And although, thankfully, we were not impacted as brutally as other areas, we want to help out and raise money to give to all of those effected.” Meiskin continued by stating, “We were so happy with the money we raised and the interest the student body had in helping donate and give back, it was a really
Kristine Lee, a senior, explained how the sorority encouraged her to personally become more involved herself. Lee stated, “I went home, went through my which I was able to donate to relief shelters.” Lee explained how donating made her appreciate everything in her life more, and acknowledged how lucky and fortunate she was in suffering minimal damage after the storm.
Students were not the only ones to appreciate the fundraiser, but faculty as well. Marry Harris, public relations specialist and professor at the University, stated, “There is a great need, and will continue to be a great need, during the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.
Although Delta Phi Epsilon’s fundraising efforts have set an excellent example for other Greek life groups.” fundraiser was distinguished as a success, they originally intended to have their annual “Lip Sync” within their sorority. However, Hurricane Sandy hit on the specific weekend this event was supposed to talke place.
Despite the fact that much hard work was put into setting “Lip Sync” up another year, Meiskin noted how the sorority realized there were bigger issues at hand and was happy to utilize all 50 sisters to help out.
She also explained how overwhelming the outcome of the event was, and how Delta Phi Epsilon had risen a much larger amount of funds than anticipated. Their quick and efficient efforts to create a new event on campus proved worthwhile since all proceeds went to a relevant cause. “There’s no better feeling than getting involved to help those in a crucial time of need,” Meiskin explained.
Delta Phi Epsilon will continue selling products while supplies remain. For more information on how to donate or buy merchandise, contact Marisa Meiskin
PHOTO COURTESY of Erin Bukowski