
The College Democrats Club Comes to the University

The College Democrats of Monmouth University Hope to get Campus Talking about Politics

University students are joining together to bring a College Democrats club to campus. The College Democrats of Monmouth University is an organization that will focus on spreading and promoting the beliefs of the Democratic Party and getting students more involved in the political process.

The College Democrats of America (CDOA) was founded in 1932 when President Franklin D. Roosevelt was running for office. President Roosevelt’s campaign recognized the importance of the youth vote and used that to their advantage by getting college students involved in the campaign.

It was not until 1980 that the organization became an official branch of the Democratic National Committee. Ever since then, the College Democrats of America have worked extensively on campaigns, making a huge difference in the youth vote turnout, most notably President Barack Obama’s.

Elizabeth Anderson, an upper classman at the University and one of the founders of CDMU stated, “The goals of our club are to further the Democratic cause and political activism among students who are apathetic to politics. We want to get involved in local campaigns, and are excited for the upcoming Governor’s Race.”

According to the College Democrats website, College Democrats support the views of the Democratic Party which spread from social issues to economic ones as well.

The Democratic Party has mainly advocated this year for civil rights, the environment, health insurance reform, and energy independence. Their belief is to have equal rights and opportunities under civil rights for everyone, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or disability.

They advocate for the LGBT communities right for Civil Unions, and having equal benefits. They also support women’s rights in health care and equal pay.

They believe in energy resources that can help not only the economy but the environment as well. By using green energy, the party believes not only will the United States become energy independent, but it will create green energy jobs that will boost the economy and protect the environment, which will act as a stepping stone to fighting climate change.

They support the President’s Health Care Reform, and that it is important to make sure we take responsibility for one another through securing Social Security and Medicare.

Until this year, there has only been a College Republicans of Monmouth University, and with the forming of the College Democrats on campus, there hopes to be more involvement from students.

Dr. Joseph Patten, Chair of the Political Science Department, believes having both groups on campus is essential. “It’s important to have thriving young Democrats and Republicans to help spread political awareness. It is really nice to have a culture here on campus with very conservative and very liberal students that can disagree on issues but still be friends.”

Anderson agrees with Patten on the importance of having both groups on campus. “You can only find the College Republicans doing all these things on campus so far, so we are so unequally represented. By starting this group, we want to have the opportunity to equally represent the views of students and the different sides of the political field.”

He continues, “The differences between the two parties can get confusing, especially if you are not too involved. We hope that by mobilizing students and getting them actively involved and engaged in politics they get a better understanding and will become more informed.”

Susan Pagano, a sophomore political science major, plans on joining the club. “I am very excited for it to get started up and running. I hope that it will spread awareness and the ideas behind the Democratic Party. It will be a fun place for people with common interest and beliefs to connect with one another and voice their opinions.”

The advisor for the club is Dr. Michael Phillips-Anderson, a professor of political communications at the University.

Phillips-Anderson is proud that the students are getting politically involved. “At a time when students are accused of apathy surrounding politics,. I’m glad that Monmouth University students are choosing to put their time and energies into forming a College Democrats Club of Monmouth University,” said Phillips-Anderson.

Phillips-Anderson continunes, “While students are often viewed as being politically conservative, and many of them indeed are, this organization should give more liberal students a chance to work together to advance their political agenda. It would be great if it led to constructive dialogue among students with different political views.”

The club has not held their first official meeting yet, but is going to soon.

If you are interested in joining the College Democrats of Monmouth University contact Elizabeth Anderson at s s0792033@monmouth.edu for more details.