
Put Procrastination Off Until Later

The art of procrastination lies somewhere in between the confidence we have in ourselves and the anxiety we face to perform. Depending on the difficulty of the assignment or project, whether it is work related or personal, time is the main factor hindering efficiency. Time represents the amount of hours or minutes or days spent working towards a goal, and for the start of finals week, time is something we usually put off. Be- cause of the confidence we have in performing to the deadline, we normally work better under stress.

“I usually procrastinate when I have a lot of work to do and I put it off because it is too much to take on,” said senior Samantha LaRocca.

If we as students are putting off assignments to the very last minute, we develop stress which initiates the release of adrenaline. And depending on where we as individuals fall within the ‘Fight or Flight’ response, we generally experience both phases.

First, the brain triggers a flight response in which the delay pro- cess begins and procrastination is filled with the updating of statuses and the re-tweeting of famous 90’s lyrics. By the time we’ve already complained about how much work we have we begin to fight the avoidance of course work and we decide start our list making, delaying us another 20 minutes.

Suppose we cut the crap, sit down and focus for a change because experience has shown that we have already overcame difficult challenges and have succeeded, relating to why we procrastinate- because we can, it’s always worked and we normally end up on top.

Besides, according to the BBC News, Professor Joseph Ferrari of DePaul University Chicago, the author of Still Procrastinating? The No Regrets Guide to Getting It Done, has found that 20 percent of the population of the world are chronic procrastinators, complicating their lives, and probably shortening them, with their incessant delaying and task avoidance. So let’s start by following a few simple tricks in order to reduce the stress of procrastinating:

1.)Don’t take breaks unless completely necessary; for hunger, thirst, etc.

2.)Utilize your ‘I’m on a roll’ moments- you know when you’re in the zone, so stay there and avoid diverting your attention.

3.)Set mental time limits for yourself- don’t just use the allot- ted eCampus deadline, know that within a certain amount of hours your assignment needs to be completed.

4.)Prepare yourself to work- don’t surround yourself with distractions, so prepare snacks, course work and other materials that you’ll need.

5.)Reward yourself-what better way to complete an assignment knowing something positive will come of it? Maybe you’ll plan a dinner date after or catch up on some DVR.

Athletes like Defensive Lineman Brad Harris attend mandatory study hall in the library in order to focus on his studies. “Mandatory study hall for athletes helps eliminate the chances of procrastination because [the athletes] are required to be in an academic set- ting and do their work,” said Harris.

Study hall is a par t of the requirements for Division One athletes, aiding in a quieter atmosphere dedicated to assist the student-athlete in his or her studies. Other students like Samantha LaRocca have also found the library helpful in avoiding procrastination.

“I have to go to the library because doing [homework] in my room doesn’t work,” says LaRoc- ca. Although the Guggenheim library has limited hours, it does provide students with many useful resources including the functional cubicles and printers avail- able. However, beginning Sunday, December 9, the library will have extended hours until 1 a.m. But if you know you will be working around the clock, working in Howard Hall in order to utilize tip number two on the helpful hint list might be best.

If you do find yourself avoiding tasks as the semester winds down remember that the end is near with holidays, winter break and a month of relaxation, so remain positive and avoid your delay.