
MU Offers New Veterinary and Medical School Program

The University entered into a partnership with St. George’s Uni­versity’s (SGU) School of Medi­cine and Veterinary Medicine in Grenada, West Indies on August 12 to provide students studying biology and health studies a new option for medical and veterinary school.

“It is very competitive to get into medical or veterinarian school, and this agreement will give our students an edge for admissions,” said Bernadette Dunphy, Co- Director of the Pre-Professional Health Advisory Committee.

Students pursuing medical school will complete the first two years at St. George’s University, while their final two years will be spent in clinical rotations at an affiliated hospital in the United State or the United Kingdom.

Students pursuing veterinarian school will complete their first three years at St. George’s Univer­sity, while their final year will be completed at an affiliated veteri­narian school in the United States, Canada, Australia or Ireland.

The University was originally introduced to SGU during a pre-health advisors trip that Dunphy attended in Grenada a few years prior. “When I was at SGU and touring the medical and veterinar­ian schools, I quickly saw that an agreement would be beneficial for both SGU and MU,” said Dunphy.

“The campus is gorgeous and state of the art, the facilities su­perb, they had just finished con­struction of super-dorms on cam­pus and the faculty was engaging and top notch,” Dunphy contin­ued.

University students that meet the requirements of the program will have the opportunity to attend medical or veterinarian school on the island of Grenada and receive a combined BS/MD or BS/DVM degree.

Eligibility into the SGU School of Medicine program requires students to maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.4, and obtain a score of at least 25 on the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT).

Eligibility for acceptance into the SGU School of Veterinary Medicine requires students to maintain a GPA of at least 3.1, as well as a score of at least 1,100 on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE).

Dunphy explains that in addi­tion to the GPA, MCAT and GRE requirements qualified University students must also meet the ad­mission criteria of SGU School of Medicine or SGU School of Vet­erinary Medicine.

“SGU School of Medicine and SGU School of Veterinary Medi­cine will select suitable candidates that meet their respective stan­dards and establish dates for pro­motion interviews,” said Dunphy.

Over the past few years, SGU has made numerous improvements. SGU recently reported that during the past three years, more SGU stu­dents have been accepted into first-year residency programs than any other University. They continued to state that during this past year more than 800 graduates received resi­dency positions in the United States.

Charles R. Modica, the Chan­cellor of SGU explains that the University will now join the 1,500 New Jersey students whom ma­triculated from SGU since it was founded 35 years ago.

St. George’s University has been recognized as one of the best schools in the region. Many American universities have also partnered with SGU, such as the New Jersey Institute of Technol­ogy, St. Michael’s Medical Cen­ter, Caldwell College, Franklin Pierce University, University of Sciences, and Widener University. SGU also created similar partner­ships with the United Kingdom, Bermuda, Grenada, Guyana, and Uganda.

The SGU partnership is one of many that the University has made over the past few years. Dunphy explains that in the future, the Uni­versity hopes to continue to create articulation agreements to offer students more opportunities upon graduation at the University.