Alpha Xi Delta (AXiD) hosted their new philanthropy event, “Amazing Challenge: Xi Marks the Spot” on Friday, April 11 in the Residential Quad in honor of their philanthropy, Autism Speaks.
The event was free to the entire campus, but the sorority was accepting donations for Autism Speaks. Since April is Autism Awareness Month, Alpha Xi Delta holds philanthropic events this time every year.
According to Autism Speaks, an estimated 1 out of 42 boys and 1 in 189 girls are diagnosed with autism in the United States. Autism Speaks raises money to support the research of Autism in hopes of finding a cure. Alpha Xi Delta uses their philanthropy events and other charitable works around campus to help support this cause in hopes to coming closer to a cure.
“Xi Marks the Spot” was a scavenger hunt, and the sorority sisters hid over 100 puzzle pieces throughout the residential buildings. Each puzzle piece was numbered and each team had to collect eight puzzle pieces to spell out “Autism Speaks.” Whichever team found all of the puzzle pieces and reported back the quad won the event.
A total of 16 teams signed up, but the sisters decided to combine teams so they ended up with 10 total. Many of the teams consisted of other Greek organizations from Delta Tau Delta, Phi Kappa Psi, Tau Delta Phi, Sigma Tau Gamma, and Alpha Sigma Tau. Other teams consisted of non-Greek affiliated University students who came out to support the cause.
The winning team of the event was brothers from Phi Kappa Psi fraternity, with a team consisting of seven members. Their team won the first place prize a $20 gift card to Surf Taco, id=”mce_marker”5 Giannia’s, and id=”mce_marker”0 Scalas.
Jeff Singh, a brother of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity, was a part of the winning team. He said, “It was awesome participating in Alpha Xi Delta’s event. I really enjoyed being outside and having fun with my brothers for a great cause. I thought it was a very different event and everyone really enjoyed themselves.”
The second place team was the brothers from Tau Delta Phi. Their team won gift certificates as well, id=”mce_marker”0 to Juniors, $5 to Scalas, id=”mce_marker”0 to Bagel Guys.
Once the scavenger hunt was over, the sorority planned a door prize for everyone who came out to the event. Each person was given a ticket at the start of the event and the sorority’s “Xi Man,” Matthew Fernandez, chose the winning ticket. Fernandez, a brother of Phi Kappa Psi, handed out baskets of various themes, including a movie basket, a beach basket, and a spa basket.
According to Erin Shevlin, Programs Chair of Alpha Xi Delta, organization and preparation of the event took approximately two weeks.
April Churchill, Philanthropy Chair of Alpha Xi Delta said, “To spread awareness of our event we dorm stormed, posted on all social media networks and also tabled all week in the dining hall and Rebecca Stafford Student Center (RSSC).”
Traci Marren, Alpha Xi Delta’s Chapter Advisor, said overall the event was an enormous success and they had a great turnout. She said, “I was so proud of the girls for pulling this event together. They had such an amazing turnout and were able to spread awareness for such an amazing cause.”