
A Shy Girl Who Wanted to Talk Sports Erin Mulligan’s Senior Goodbye

These past four years have been an illusion. They’ve been a long four years that went by in a flash.
One Sunday when I was six years old sitting on the couch with my Dad, Erin Andrews came on the T.V. for her pre-game report and that’s when I knew what I wanted to do. Sort of.

Growing up, I had a bunch of dreams and career wise, the main two were to either work in sports or entertainment. I fell in love with writing at a very young age when I realized how magical words can be all thanks to Taylor Swift’s impeccable songwriting. I also always wanted to be on T.V. but I was a painfully shy kid who was scared to actually pursue it and scared of my own shadow.

In sixth grade, I wrote an article about the Giants winning the Super Bowl for class. My teacher told me that I did a great job and she asked me to not stop and to keep at it. From then on, I took journalism classes in middle and high school along with joining my school newspaper.

Coming into college, I was confused. I just wanted to work on One Direction or Taylor Swift’s teams and go on tour with them but that wasn’t the most realistic goal. I realized at orientation that I was not meant to be in the music industry. I called my Mom and told her that I needed to change my major. She said, “I knew it. I wasn’t gonna say anything, but you were always meant to be in sports.” That was also when I realized that my Mom knows everything and is always right.

My family is the most important thing to me in the whole entire world. I got my love of sports from my Dad. My Mom gets me through every day by answering every single one of my hundreds of calls and texts a day even if she’s at work.

They’ve both encouraged me throughout the process and execution of developing my blog and YouTube channel. They both push me. They both support me. Mommy and Daddy, not everyone gets to have two parents who are as loving and fun as you are and I don’t think that I’ll ever be able to properly express to you how much I love and appreciate you.

To my sister, despite the fact that I often get mistaken for being your friend or younger sister (even though I’m seven years older), you are literally the best thing that has ever happened to me. Elise Marie, I know I tell you I love you all the time and constantly invade your personal space, but I don’t actually think you’ll ever understand just how much I love you. Thanks for every single thing you do for me. I love you, Bubs!

To the rest of my family: my aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins:
I love you all so, so much. You all keep tabs on everything I’m up to and your support means so much to me.

To my friends both at MU and from home, I love you endlessly. You’re some of the most fabulous people who have done nothing but encourage me.

Part of the reason that I work hard and have confidence in my work is because I have a gigantic support system behind me. How lucky am I to be surrounded by people that make me laugh until I cry and love me so much that I feel as though my heart could burst. I love you all so much!

To everyone at CCM, thank you for helping me develop a greater appreciation and love for the Catholic faith and to Cristina for providing a wonderful environment where we are always learning and laughing! I made the best decision of joining the Catholic Campus Ministry where I found friendships that I will cherish forever.

To everyone at Hawk T.V, thank you for making the studio and control room a great learning
environment and for making the club so much fun! Thank you, Professor Scott and Professor Dolphin for guiding us and rooting for us throughout our goals in the studio and beyond as well as giving us unmatched insight on the media industry. I have met some amazing people and I
will hold onto the lessons I learned and memories we made forever.

To everyone at The Outlook, thank you for the support over the years and for all of the knowledge I have gained. Thank you to my writers, fellow editors, and Dr. V for your advice and great conversations!
Both clubs are filled with such talented people and I am so excited to see what everyone accomplishes!
I came to Monmouth as a petrified freshman and started out as an entertainment writer for The Outlook because I was scared to make the jump to sports. Sophomore year, I was sick of being a wimp and I joined Hawk T.V. where I became a news anchor and got involved with the sports shows and last year was awarded “Most Outstanding Member”. Soon after joining Hawk T.V., I became a sports writer for The Outlook.

This year at Hawk T.V I co-produced and was an anchor of the sports talk show, “Under Pressure” and “Hawk TV News”, I became sports editor for The Outlook, and the Publicity Chair for the Catholic Campus Ministry. I’ve done all of this but not alone. Thank you to every professor who has helped me along the way.

I want to give a big thank you to some of the most impactful educators I had as well while growing up: Mrs. Hathaway, Mrs. Aloia, Mrs. DeWitt, Ms. Kenney, Mrs. Britting, Mrs. Calendrillo, Mr. Hunt, Dr. Pepe, Mrs. P, Mrs. Sibilia, Ms. O’Hagan, Señora Kelly, Señora Rodriguez, and Mrs. Perry. You all helped me come out of my shell.

Again, thank you to my family and friends. It has been far from easy but I have learned so much from my time at Monmouth. So long, MU, thank you for everything!