In our world today, dogs are seen as man’s best friend. Dogs are obviously playful, energetic, and loving. However, they compare nowhere near cats. Cats are extremely underrated in our society because they are known as less social. This honestly just depends on the cat, and also how you raise your feline.
First of all, cats are extremely intelligent. They are able to read their owners emotions and will support them any way that they can. Dogs are not as intelligent, so sometimes this may not work.
Another reason why cats are better than dogs is because of their independence, which relates to intelligence. Cats don’t always need to be watched or walked. They are perfectly fine on their own when you are away at work or on vacation. The cats obviously need to be fed, but it is a lot easier to manage a cat over a dog.
My next reason is that dogs are way more expensive compared to cats. It costs an extreme amount of money to buy food, board your dog, hire a dog sitter, and hire a dog walker. If you own a cat, you really just need some toys, cat litter, and food.
Cats are also better than dogs when considering noise. It is very easy to control the noise of a cat compared to a dog. This is why people who live in apartments tend to have cats over dogs. Cats also only meow usually when they need something, while dogs will just make noise because they feel like it.
Additionally, cats are very clean. They regularly clean themselves throughout the day while dogs do not do this at all. Cats usually loaf on a bed or the floor when they are cleaning themselves and it is a pretty fast process for them.
Overall, it is extremely apparent that cats are way better than dogs. Once people look outside the fact that dogs are more popular, they will fall in love with these superior pets.