
It’s never too late to try something new

Hobbies are defined as an activity that is carried out during one’s leisure time for pleasure. In the age of social media and endless scrolling, many of us have overlooked and underestimated the importance of having hobbies.

While hobbies are meant to promote relaxation, there are many other benefits that come along with them that cover the areas of health, brain stimulation, and social connectivity. (P.S. stay till the end for some hobby recommendations if you’re interested in trying something new!)

The obvious benefit from consistently taking part in your favorite hobbies is the possible improvement in mental health. In an article for Harvard Health Publishing by Heidi Godman, titled, “Having a hobby tied to happiness and well-being,” explained that a 2023 study by Nature Medicine found that, “compared with people who didn’t have hobbies, those who did reported better health, more happiness, fewer symptoms of depression, and higher life satisfaction.” The purpose of a hobby is to carry out an activity simply for enjoyment and entertainment in the absence of judgment, pressure, assessments, or grades. In turn, this lifts our spirits, making us happier and healthier from the mindless completion of an activity that brings pleasure and gratification.

Monmouth University senior finance student Michelle Alves, explained that, “hobbies give you something productive to do during your free time that is good for your mind and revitalizes your soul.”

In addition to creating a sound mind, hobbies can also have an impact on our physical health. It is not uncommon to develop hobbies that get our bodies moving and our blood pumping, allowing us to become a healthier version of ourselves. Samantha Belgio, senior health studies student shared that, “hobbies distract you from life’s stressors and obligations such as work and school. One of my favorite hobbies is running because it not only clears my mind, but it also makes me stronger and boosts my mood.”

Aside from health benefits, as explained in Catherine Baker’s article, “ The Importance of Hobbies,” hobbies have the ability to stimulate the brain in new ways. Baker explained that, “hobbies can use parts of the brain that aren’t usually engaged in our day to day activities.” For example, many of us neglect to make time to be creative and express ourselves through outlets such as fashion, music, writing, cooking, and more. Hobbies open us up to these opportunities and give us the chance to get lost in our own imagination and inspiration by occupying the part of your brain associated with creativity and expression.
Finally, implementing hobbies into our lives can open us up to new social connections and opportunities.

Whether it acts as a topic of conversation in social settings or brings you to new rooms filled with people who share the same passions and interests, hobbies bring people together and allow us to form bonds with like-minded people.

In a world of zombie scrolling, it is important that we take responsibility during our free time to ensure that we are implementing healthy habits and hobbies into our lives in order to take advantage of the health, social, and stimulation benefits.