The College Democrats will fundraise for their organization on Feb. 14 through a bake sale. Hosted in the Student Center, members will be selling brownies, cakes, cookies, and other sweet treats.
“Valentine’s Day is so important this year more than ever because there is so much hate and lack of empathy being encouraged by Republicans,” explained Owen Bros, club president. “At the University of Arizona, for example, there were students snitching to federal agents about someone’s citizenship status, just absolutely horrible that someone could have that much hate in their heart to do that. At this event, we are coming together for a holiday about celebrating love of all kinds: platonic love, romantic love, class crushes, and your latest situationship, we want to celebrate it all!”
The College Democrats promote awareness and discuss political issues on Monmouth University’s campus. “Our goal is to raise awareness to students on campus about current events and raise the voices of groups that are consistently silenced,” explained Bros. “In the current federal administration, my goal has been directing and educating my members to become activists against the rise of American fascism. Mutual aid, community, and radical love for one another are the only way we can get through this together.”
Aside from the bake sale, the College Democrats will be hosting various other events throughout the rest of the semester. Bros noted, “On Feb. 11, myself and many of my members are going up to North Jersey for a launch party of a PAC called GenZ 4 NJ that will serve to get GenZ in New Jersey elected to local offices. I am very excited because my close friends founded it and the College Democrats are lucky that we are involved in it. Feb. 12, we are hosting a virtual forum for the Democratic candidates for governor that all Monmouth students are invited to attend. It is important to be well-informed on who might be the next governor of the state. Then, Feb. 22, many of our members will be volunteering at the Monmouth County Democratic Convention to vote for a primary candidate to go on the ballot! It will be my second convention, and it is always a good time with many high-up Democratic officials in attendance (Governor Murphy is a Monmouth resident!). Our next General Meeting is March 5 at 3 p.m. at the Intercultural Center.