How much Information is Too Much Information When Meeting New People?
The first time you’re meeting someone, it’s typical to give them general information about yourself. My name is Amanda Drennan, I’m a senior at Monmouth, and I have an undying love for dogs.
Who is your favorite athlete?
If you see herds of people walking around with their heads down staring at their phones, there’s a good chance they’re playing Pokémon Go. The app was released in July and it’s been a pretty popular game since then.
What on-campus sporting event are you most excited for this semester?
A Look at the Effects of Social Media on the Cincinnati Zoo
The name “Harambe” has been plastered on social media a lot lately. A few months ago a young boy fell into the gorilla cage at the Cincinnati Zoo. Unfortunately, the zoo was given the ultimatum of either saving the boy’s life or shooting the gorilla. The zoo officials decided that the life of the little boy would be saved, and the gorilla, Harambe, died.
What’s the most exciting thing you did this summer?
Summer is only a few weeks away and even if you don’t have anything planned, it’s better than school work and studying for finals. After classes end it’s great to have a few weeks off to relax, especially after the stress of finals. With more than three months off from school, there’s a lot you can do with your free time.