For the first time, students are able to enjoy a two day fall break, just six weeks into the semester.
University Celebrates 79th Anniversary on Founder’s Day
Faculty dressed in Academic robes as the University celebrated the 79th anniversary of its founding this past Wednesday. The day was a celebration of all of the students, faculty, alumni, and administration for all of the hard work and good the University has done throughout the years.
Music Moves More Than Dancers
For centuries now, music has played a very important role in the world. It’s a way for people to express themselves, be entertained, listen to for pleasure, etc. One thing music has always been used for is a way to motivate people. This can be seen all over the place, especially in the sporting world.
Conquering Dreams Through the Civil War
Throughout our nation’s history, numerous significant events have made an impact on the way our country is today. The Revolutionary War, the signing of the Declaration of Independence, The Great Depression, World War II, September 11, and many more. Out of all of these events could the most significant event be, perhaps, the Civil War?
A Look Inside the Burning Bravery of a Fireman
For decades now, firefighters have been an instrumental part of our society. They are the ones who strap up in their turnout jacket, pants, boots, and hard helmet to go into burning buildings when everyone else is running out of them. The firefighters go in fearless and face the intense heat of the flames and the blinding, suffocating smoke. They do this because it is their job and is what they chose to do for a living. It’s a part of being in a special brotherhood.
University Mourns Loss of Art Student
The University lost some of its sunshine over the summer, as senior Paul M. Chrzaszcz died in a tragic drowning accident on June 19.
Aramark Brings Several Improvements to Campus
Adding meal swipes wasn’t the only dining change which occurred on campus over the summer. The University and ARAMARK have brought forth new attitudes and new food to campus.
Swipe for a Meal in Student Center
The days of only being able to use meal swipes in the McGill Commons are over. Starting this fall students will be able to swipe for a meal in the Rebecca Stafford Student Center.
Challenge Accepted
As the days are getting shorter, the weather getting cooler, and the leaves beginning to change, a new academic year is upon us. With the start of the new semester comes the promise of a fresh start and new challenges.
Daughtry’s “Spell” Comes to the MAC
Over 3,200 people packed the MAC to see the former “American Idol” star turned rocker, Chris Daughtry, made his way to campus last Friday as part of his self-titled band’s 2012 Break the Spell tour. There were 3,283 tickets sold for the event.