Governor Chris Christie recently sparked a controversy because of a comment he made during his announcement for a voter referendum on same sex marriage in New Jersey. Stating citizens should decide on the issue and not the state legislature, Christie added “I think people would have been happy to have a referendum on civil-rights rather than fighting and dying in the streets in the South.”
Author: DAN STE
Scheherazade: Tell Me a Story Engages Viewers With a Powerful and Moving Tale
The Provost Film Series kicked off last Monday in Pollak Theatre, entering its fifth year at the University, with a screening of the Egyptian movie Scheherazade: Tell Me a Story.
Art Faculty Exhibition Brings Professors’ Talents Out of the Classroom
The Rotary Ice House Gallery hosted an opening reception for the Art Faculty Exhibition on Friday night that was attended by fellow faculty, students, friends, and family members.
The Artist Silences Audiences With Nostaglia
While movies have been innovated over the years by how people see them, from eye-popping 3D to awe inspiring IMAX, there is very little reason to regress to old filming techniques. Especially when one goes back to the way movies were originally shown to audiences with no color, completely silent besides a musical score, and a story simply told through action and written dialogue.
Provost Film Series Puts A Perspective on Muslim Women
The University will be hosting the Provost’s Film Series featuring movies on Muslim cultures with a focus on women.
Ron Paul: Who is He?
As Republicans still decide on their choice for a presidential candidate and ultimately choose an opponent for President Barack Obama in the 2012 Presidential election, Congressman Ron Paul from Texas continues to gain appeal and supporters particularly among college students.
‘Season’s Greetings’ Rang Through Wilson Hall
The Music and Theatre Arts Department presented “Season’s Greetings,” their annual holiday concert, on December 8 on the decorated Grand Staircase in Wilson Hall.
Getting a Better Perspective on Muslim Culture
University Screens Mooz-lum and Holds Q & A with Director
The University Center for the Arts along with the Student Activities Board (SAB) Diversity committee hosted a film screening of Mooz-lum followed by a Q&A with director and filmmaker Qasim “Q” Basir on November 30.
Bruce Springsteen Exhibit Permanently Housed on Campus
Springsteen Collection Sounds Good on Campus
The University recently became home to the Bruce Springsteen Special Collection with over 15,000 items donated from fans around the world. The Collection is being held at the University’s Archive Collections Building right next to the Woods Theatre.
Global Understanding Through Percussion and Song
Pollak Theatre hosted its first Caravanserai event October 27, featuring qawwali music performed by Qawal Najmuddin Saifuddin and Brothers and percussion compositions performed by the Tari Khan Ensemble.