
Using Stress as Motivation

For some, stress is a part of life that makes things more difficult, but for others, stress acts as a motivator. Although doctors tell us time and time again that we should avoid stress for health reasons, is it possible that there are some benefits to stress? Recent studies have shown that stress is not bad all of the time.

Stop Procrastinating Starting Tomorow

Stop Procrastinating… Starting Tomorow

It is 11:45 pm and you are sitting at your computer furiously typing away. To the outside world, you are a dedicated student staying up late to get your work done and should be commended. However, what they do not know is that you are on page two of your seven page term paper that accounts for 40 percent of your final grade and needs to be dropboxed by midnight. Procrastination. We all do it. But why?

Rid of Your Gut

Weighing in on a Healthier Lifestyle

How to Get Rid of Your Gut

With all of the fast food restaurants within miles of one another and the abundance of unhealthy food people put in their bodies every day, obesity has become an epidemic among Americans. According to the National Bureau of Economics, as the number of fast food restaurants increase, so does the percentage of the population suffering from obesity. Although there are also many health risks that can cause a person to become overweight, poor diet is partially to blame for the rising rate of obese Americans.

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The Simplest Way to Land a Job

Tips on How to Make Your Resume Shine

As any job applicant knows, one of the most important keys to obtaining a job, or even an interview, is an impressive resume. According to, “The average employer spends only 10 seconds looking at a resume, yet it is the only contact an applicant has with the potential employer.”

Dressed in White

Here Comes the Teenage Bride, All Dressed in White

The Analysis of the Emerging Problems of Teenage Marriage

There was once a time when a person getting married at a young age was common. According to the New York Times, the average age for women to marry in the 1950’s was 19-years-old, and the marriage of people between the ages of 17 to 19 was not referred to as a teenage marriage because it was part of the norm. During those times, marriage between young adults was viewed the same way as marriage between 30-year-olds: a common practice.