
Media Panel Co-Hosted by JSPPA and PRSA

One Hundred Communication Professionals and Students in Attendance

“Beyond Likes, Tweets and Check-Ins: How to Make Real News” was a media panel jointly hosted by Jersey Shore Public Relations and Advertising (JSPPA) and Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) NJ chapter at the Blue and White Club in the Multipurpose Activity Center on Wednesday, April 17.


The Guggenheim Library is Awarded Muslim Journeys Bookshelf Collection

The Guggenheim Library was one of 840 libraries and state humanity councils throughout the United States selected to receive the Bridging Cultures Bookshelf: Muslim Journeys. The Muslim Journeys Bookshelf includes a collection of 25 books and three films structured around five major theme areas, introducing the University to a culture outside of their familiar boundaries.


Final Presidential Candidate Visits the University

Dr. Stanley Preczewski, Vice President for Academic Student Affairs at Georgia Gwinette College

Dr. Stanley Preczewski, presidential candidate, opened up his presentation to faculty and students by introducing himself as ‘Stas’, giving students a sense of who he is, what he has experienced, and what he could offer if ultimately selected as the next President of the University.


Debate Debacle for Candidates

October sparks the height of election season with three debates. The first contentious domestic presidential debate left Governor Mitt Romney with leads in the polls, and left Democrats scrambling for President Obama’s performance, or lack thereof. After Vice President Joe Biden’s aggressive strategy against Governor Paul Ryan in the vice presidential debate last week, the third debate on foreign policy will present challenges for Obama on key issues.