valentines couch

Valentine’s Day: Still Special Even When You’re Single?

 As each holiday seems to be more and more commercialized, none are as much of a “Hallmark holiday” as Valentine’s Day. As soon as New Year’s comes and goes, stores and commercials will be stocked with hearts and chocolate for the big day. “Find the right gift for your significant other,” and other similar quips on advertisements are spewn across the store.


Monmouth Students Head to Europe for the International Service Seminar

West Long Branch, NJ – Furthering the global education vision of the university, thirteen Monmouth University students will be traveling to prominent capitals of international law and politics over winter break in conjunction with Professor Bordelon’s section of International Service Seminar (PS 371) in the spring.  Some of the students began their engagement with a new course during the fall 2014 semester in the Department of Political Science and Sociology, Public International Law (PS 431), which builds off of the international relations curricular strand in political science.


Extra Credit Assignment: Getting to Know Your Professors

One of the many changes students experience during the transition from high school to college is the relationship between students and teachers, or sometimes, lack thereof. Students become used to the close relationships they have with teachers in high school and are suddenly thrown into the world of college, where classes tend to be so large that students become nothing more than a number. Small colleges such as the University, however, often pride themselves in offering smaller classes and deeper student-teacher relationships.


Sometimes, Size Does Matter

Hitting the gym is a respected habit among college students. Whether your dedication ranges from going every single day to just once a week, getting or staying fit is the common goal. However, what if reaching this goal is unattainable? The little spare time you do have to dedicate to a work out could be wiped out by annoying crowding at peak times.