
Hawks Talk Hybrids

Technology is always changing and developing, and it seems that finding a way to adapt to these frequent changes has become necessary. With so much of our lives being online, from our personal profiles to the way we communicate, it makes sense why technology should have a place in education as well. Hybrid and online courses at Monmouth University has given students the option to learn outside of the traditional classroom.


Pressing Issues of the Press

We, as journalists, have studied the famous case of the Watergate scandal that happened in Richard Nixon’s time in the White House. The editorial staff has learned about the importance of checking in on government, and most obviously, the powerful role of the Press. It has been engrained into the minds of journalism students that the press would do their best to warn and protect the people if there is any form of wrongdoing in any of the branches. This goes for positive things as well – the Press is an overall information source for people everywhere.


Do All Holidays Shine Equally on Campus?

There’s no place like Monmouth for the holidays—or at least for Christmas. Once the holiday season approaches, Wilson Hall is lit up in a beautiful array of trees, wreaths, and lights. Students and guests alike take time to stare in wonder at the holiday display in the building. While it’s easy to feel the Christmas spirit inside Wilson Hall, the Outlook editors have taken a step back to think—what about the other holidays? What about students who celebrate something else?


November: A Time for Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving Day is upon us, and while turkey and stuffing are usually on our lists of things to be thankful for, The Outlook editors believe that there is an important addition to be made, other than food and football. In honor of giving thanks, the editors of The Outlook would like to express their gratitude to Monmouth University. From the breathtaking campus grounds only a mile away from the beach to the dedicated faculty and staff, Monmouth provides students with an abundance of things to be thankful for.


Dear Mr. President

As you know, this election was like no other. It was the first time a woman was the presidential nominee of one of the two main parties, the first time we had a businessman with no political background as the presidential nominee of the other main party, and one of the most highly controversial elections our country has faced in years. There have been rumors of corruption, deception, and unlawful activity, but now, it’s over. You’ve won. And now we have a few things to ask of you.