
Film Poster Exhibition Excites

Ever want to see a musical movie starring The Black Eyed Peas? Or would you prefer to see Selena Gomez in a Vietnam movie? In the hallways of the new Rechnitz Hall, the community can find some unfamiliar movie posters. Students from Professor Karen Bright and Professor Pat Cresson’s digital imaging classes have created their own movie posters based on film concepts they created. The gallery consists of students who have taken the class in the last three semesters.


The Outlook’s Oscar Options

This Sunday is the only time it’s respectable for filmmakers to say they want to go home with a tiny naked golden man: The Academy Awards. It’s Hollywood’s prom night. The Academy decides who their favorites are, and audiences decide what they have to pick up on DVD. As entertainment writers, we all have our own personal favorites. These are our picks for the coveted Best Picture award.


Hawk Video Project Flies Around The World

Dozens of students, parents, faculty, friends and locals gathered in the Wilson Auditorium for a screening of 24 Frames, 24 Hours on Monday, February 15. This project was headed by Dr. Max Schleser, a visiting scholar from the Massey University in New Zealand, and involved students making brief documentaries on the Hurricane Sandy aftermath through the use of cell phone video cameras.