
“American Horror Story” Thrills

“When witches don’t fight, we burn,” says a deliciously dark Fiona Goode (played with excellency by Jessica Lange). This statement alone assures the audience that they’re in for a magical and wicked good time for “American Horror Story: Coven,” the third season in the hit anthology series. With each season comes a new theme of fantasy and real horrors, and this time around, the witches of Louisiana are here to cast a spell on you.


“Romeo and Juliet”: A New Take on an Old Tale

With so many adaptations of Shakespeare’s classic tale, there was a sense of skepticism as I watched this new version of “Romeo and Juliet.” However, director Carlo Carlei and screenwriter Julian Fellowes were able to breathe some new life into this tired, old love story by creating an authentic piece that not only Shakespeare himself would be proud of, but would also entertain hopeless romantics of the twenty-first century.


Justin Timberlake Overload?

Maybe it’s just me, but after two smash hit singles, a massive hit of a comeback album, frequently appearing in commercials, guest-appearing in a mediocre Jay Z song and a VMA performance/tribute that made the man appear as a god amongst mere mortals, I began to think that maybe we’ve had enough Justin Timberlake for one year.


Web Exclusive: No Strings Attached: “Puppeteer” Deserves Your Attention

It seems like “Puppeteer” couldn’t have been released at a worse time. With only a couple of months left before the new consoles release and the highest grossing videogame of all time on shelves, who would give the time of day to a quirky little game from Sony Japan? However, the novelty of running over pedestrians while listening to Queen only lasts so long. In order to fight off the tyranny of boredom, a hero needs to rise from the ashes of the giant that was the last console generation. “Puppeteer” is out there, fighting the good fight, and it is about time that it got the recognition it deserves.