Reading Relaxation 1

Reading and Relaxation

It’s finally that time of the year… the sun is out, windows are down, and music is blasting at full volume while on the way to the beach. Students have little worries since classes have officially come to a well-deserved end. Before our brains as students are officially turned off for a four-month break, it might be wise to consider throwing a book or two in that beach bag (along with some sunscreen).

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Ask Chloe

“As a college student how can I enjoy going out with my friends, while not wasting my savings,”-Anonymous  Dear anonymous, College is a time to experience all that life has to offer, which unfortunately, can costs money. With summer approaching, here are some tips on restricting cash flow.  John Inzero, a professor of marketing and […]

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How to Buy the Best Lacrosse Sticks

Lacrosse is known as the fastest sport on two feet. In lacrosse, you use your stick, also known as cross, to pass, pick up ground balls, as well as score and defend. There are many players who suffer a broken stick throughout their career, and the importance of getting a new one is crucial to their game. The stick is to lacrosse as a ball is to soccer, or a hockey stick is to hockey. Simply put, you cannot play without one.

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Ask Chloe

How do I find my niche/what career or extracurricular I am passionate about as a commuter student at Monmouth?- Anonymous Anonymous– Just starting off as a commuter student at any University can be a confusing time. Luckily, there are many resources to utilize at Monmouth to help you get acclimated.  Clay Vaughn, Director of  Off-Campus […]