
“Memory Lane Up in the Headlights” | Kelly Brockett’s Senior Goodbye

“Got Me Reminiscing on Them Good Times”

Someone very close to me once said, “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go do that. Because what the world needs are people who have come alive.” After hearing this quote from the most inspirational person in my life, I chose to live by it. I feel Monmouth was a place that truly made me come alive.  Monmouth allowed me to thrive and  succeed through the classroom, student organizations and extra added perks like traveling to Ireland, Seattle, San Francisco, Philadelphia and San Diego to further my education and frame my outlook on life. I will be forever grateful for the opportunities I was presented and for the people that I have met during my time here.


The GMO Debate Across America Continues

Much debate has arisen over whether labeling genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in America should be enforced as a law or banned from the country. As consumers continue to learn more information about the genetic modification process and its prominence in the food system, more people are anxious to know which foods contain GMOs and which do not.