Good Habits

Good Study Habits

Practicing good time management and good study habits is key when trying to accomplish your homework. Setting a regular time at least every other day to study is a perfect way to stay on the right track. To be successful in college you must find good study habits and organizational skills that work best for you.

For me, recording assignments in a planner helps me remember what I have to complete. I find it quite beneficial for me to write everything down that is important to get done.

However, everyone is different and has their own way of handling things that they need to get finished. Not every option will work for everyone, there are so many study habits and ways to get homework done. The key is to find what works best for you.

Having multiple assignments and exams on the same day can be hard to remember and plan time accordingly. Some ways to implement good study habits are getting organized, designating a study area, developing a study plan, and reviewing exam-taking strategies.

First, being organized helps a lot, it eases stress because it is easy to forget about that upcoming test and those many assignments piling up. That is why having some sort of agenda book to write down your future responsibilities is useful.

Designating a quiet study area for yourself will benefit you when you need to concentrate without any disruptions. Also, turning off your phone and putting it away for at least an hour helps you focus on completing assignments in a timely matter.

Developing a study plan each week will allow yourself to be prepared for upcoming events. Setting goals leads to being prepared and succeeding each week in your classes and in the future.

Everyday life events are also another factor when trying to maintain an equal balance between being successful in school and having a social life. The key to not getting too swamped with work is remaining calm and remembering that you can always ask for help.

It does not hurt to ask for help when you are struggling to do well. Everyone has trouble from time to time in college and there is no need to feel insecure.

 Do not let the frustration or fear of failure stop you from getting help when you need it. You must remain calm in order to do well and to not get overwhelmed when the challenges become too much.

You should definitely work on some of these ways to help yourself improve on trying to have better study habits and/or trying to get homework completed.

By using these tips to have better habits, you are, in turn, helping yourself become more motivated. The more you practice and learn better study habits, the more you will be successful in life.

Taking the time to practice good habits will also allow yourself to be more productive in the way you learn. We can all improve in some way by having better study habits as well as homework strategies.

PHOTO TAKEN by Lauren Salois