
Being Involved In Reality Television

Reality TV shows have become extremely popular in recent years. “American Idol,” “The Voice” and “Dancing With the Stars” are often the subjects of many conversations amongst young Americans.

What exactly is it about such reality television shows that we inevitably find ourselves attracted to?

The answer is a simple one: we find ourselves attracted to such TV shows because we are directly participating in the competition.

We often vote for our favorite contestants and doing so makes that competition a personal one for us. From a psychological perspective, our minds automatically give more importance to the things that are directly related to us.

By voting for a contestant, we are giving our personal support. So, they automatically become an elevated priority in our minds.

Such a trend has caused other types of TV shows to offer audience interaction. For example, many news channels now have Twitter and Facebook pages where viewers can leave comments and sometimes, the most intriguing ones are displayed on the show.

Another reason why people are attracted to reality TV shows is because, somehow, it makes them feel better about their own problems.

Psychologically speaking, this is a problem coping strategy that we often use. Stress is not an uncommon phenomenon in our lives.

In order to deal with it effectively, we have developed several problem coping strategies. One of them includes how we deal situations that we cannot physically manipulate on an emotional level.

For such situations, we tend to seek out others who have worse problems than us. This somehow makes us feel better about our own problems and relieves us. Such relief is offered by reality TV shows.

Though they may not be the most intellectually stimulating, reality TV shows have become a huge part of the American entertainment system and they’re only becoming more popular.

PHOTO TAKEN from examiner.com