An SGA meeting took place on February 1. At the meeting, SGA President Nicole Levy asked all members of SGA to issue comments or concerns regarding the University Bookstore. She also reminded them that President Gaffney is coming in next week so all members are expected to dress business casual.
SGA Vice President Oscar Sanchez told everyone that the SGA will be dining with directors next Wednesday at 6:00 pm in the dining hall and are hoping for a good showing of students, both commuter and resident.
Guest speakers were also at the meeting. The speakers were Liz O’Brien and Susan Damaschke. O’Brien made it known to SGA that there were open Residential Assistant spots open. In order to qualify, students must have at least 2.5 GPA and be a full time undergraduate student. The applications will be available Friday. Damaschke told SGA there are open Orientation Leader positions. SGA Senators are encouraged to apply to be an Orientation Leader. If you accept the position, you must be on campus for the month of July. You will be paid $2,100. The deadline for applicants is Friday, February 10.
Also discussed was the approval of the Boom Roast Productions group. This is a group made up of 15 students who are involved in theater. The goal is for them to put on one to two shows a semester and do possible fundraisers.
Groups looking for Senate approval are the Campus Crusaders, an acapella group. Also before the Senate will be a Wrestling Club and an Anime Club.
Advisors who joined SGA were Vaughn Clay and Heather Kelly. Clay stated that a new students discount page had been activated. The Off Campus Students Services now has a Twitter account. Kelly said that the SOAR award will be posted. Any senior who has not gotten their pictures taken, pictures will be taken during the week of February 6.
On the agenda, there are 20 interviews scheduled for Thursday, February 8 at 8:00 pm to fill four vacancies. Student affairs met with MUPD chief, William McElrath. The reason for his being there was to advise students to make sure they lock their dorms and apartments when leaving to prevent theft. MUPD also inquired about a CPR course on campus which would be five dollars a student. However MUPD is looking for a way to make it no cost to students.