
Classic Movies Remain Timeless Through Many Generations

Memorable Films Outlive Their Decades, Continue to be Beloved by People of All Ages

opinion-classic-moviesClassic movies just never seem to fade away. You all know exactly what I’m talking about. I’m talking The Goonies, The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, Pulp Fiction, Die Hard, Grease, and for the sake of the holiday season, Home Alone, A Christmas Story, It’s a Wonderful Life, and Frosty the Snowman. These movies have a special place within all of us; they are too good not to love.

What’s the big deal about these movies anyway?

Well besides the fact that they are PHENOMENAL, they were passed down from our older siblings and our parents. I remember being five years old sitting around the television with my family, watching That’s How the Grinch Stole Christmas, a movie that my parents had watched when they were kids.

They even watched Frosty the Snowman and Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer when they were young. There is a tradition that comes with each classic movie. How could you not respect such holiday classics?

Considering that the holiday season is all about tradition, it is the perfect opportunity for families to implement their holiday traditions into their routines. Whether it’s sitting in on a Wednesday night watching ABC Family’s 25 Days of Christmas specials, or having the family get together to bake over 500 sugar cookies for Christmas, it all comes down to tradition.

Holiday traditions can also be brought to campus. Bringing in all of those holiday movies (or waiting for them to come on TV), decorating the dorm, or taking holiday photos are all great ways to create a holiday tradition with your friends at school. Monmouth is our home away from home, so creating traditions here will make this school feel even more like home.

However, what determines a holiday classic or even a classic movie at all? Who can determine or has the power to deem a movie as a classic? Who can deceiver the difference between a classic movie and a regular movie?

There are qualities about these classic movies that make us come back for more.

Whether it’s the holiday classics that are played every year or the 80s classic movies that permit us to dance around our rooms, they are just plain addicting.

Regular, everyday movies can be amazing, but we tend to forget them after a while. For example, the movie Julie and Julia with Amy Adams and Meryl Streep is a great movie, cute and fun, but I tend to forget about it after a while until it pops up on the TV and I debate if I want to watch it or not.

On the other hand, if Parent Trap is on TV, there will be no question of whether or not I will watch the movie. Considering it is the movie that taught me all about Oreos and peanut butter, I would have to watch it. 

We’ve all had those days when we are skimming through the channels and are complaining, “Ugh, there is nothing on TV!” when all of a sudden, we stumble upon some random channel that is playing Die Hard, Pulp Fiction, or Grease.

We stop the entire day in its tracks, stop everything we are doing, sit down and enjoy the movie.

When Pulp Fiction is on, nothing else is going to occur that day. That movie is one of my favorite films. John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson, and Bruce Willis all together at once. Everything else is cancelled for that day.

Classic films have too much respect amongst everyone to be forgotten. I am for certain that 20 years from now, these classic movies will still be around. They are too good to just wither away with the times. Some fads and trends can fade away with the years, but good movies, classic movies, never die.

However, 20 years from now is a little far, don’t you think? So for now, pop in Home Alone and watch those two crooks get schooled by a clever seven-year-old.

IMAGE TAKEN from allmoviephoto.com