
Senioritis: The Contagious Epidemic

Students Combat the Temptation to be Lazy During the Last Few Weeks of School

senioritisFinal exams begin in three weeks. Summer break begins in four weeks. Graduation is in five weeks. With the semester’s close in sight, the anticipation of time off from school work, a new job and beach season slowly start to take precedence in students’ minds.

With distractions like these, it is accurate to assume that some, or many, college students may have a little bit of a struggle maintaining focus on school responsibilities.

As a senior graduating in May, I have quickly realized how dif­ficult it is to evenly divide my at­tention between both school work and the many other distractions that come with the end of the se­mester. In fact, an even distribu­tion is close to impossible at this point.

I have heard a lot of other se­niors commenting on their non­chalant attitudes toward the re­maining weeks of school. This has often been referred to as “se­nioritis”.

Every person can have his or her own definition of what se­nioritis really is. Merriam-Web­ster surprisingly documents it as an actual term with the following definition: “an ebbing motivation and effort by school seniors as evidenced by tardiness, absences and lower grades.”

According to Urban Dictionary, those with senioritis are prone to the following symptoms: lazi­ness, an over-excessive wearing of sweat pants, a lack of studying, repeated absences and a generally dismissive attitude.

The only known cure is a phe­nomenon known as graduation. Here’s the thing with senioritis: I think it affects more than just seniors. Let me break it down by grade.

Seniors are almost guaranteed to contract this disease at any point between September and May. To their advantage, it is ac­ceptable although definitely not encouraged by parents and teach­ers. I can most likely speak for many seniors when I say that the biggest struggles lie within our ability to focus.

Sometimes we choose to skip class, but even if we are present, we find it difficult to give the sub­ject matter and the professor our full attention. From the list of symptoms above, I think we are most prone to the following: a lack of studying and a generally dismissive attitude.

Juniors like to think that it is acceptable when they claim that they have a case of senioritis. Sorry kids- that just won’t be tol­erated. Although they have the best of both worlds, being upper­classmen and still having a year left to enjoy college, any lackadai­sical attitude toward school can­not be excused.

However, putting in a lot of ef­fort during the school year makes one exhausted come April. From the list of symptoms above, they are most prone to an excessive wearing of sweat pants and the occasional lack of studying (be­cause studying was your routine Friday night activity).

So juniors, when you begin to slack off, just call it exhaustion. You will have your time as a se­nior, and then you can call it se­nioritis.

Sophomores may be the most stubborn class of them all. They are still rolling on the “we’re cool­er than freshmen” high. Listen, you little rascals: you probably haven’t even declared a major yet, so the last thing you should be doing is choosing to slack off of your school work.

You have the next three years to get your act together, find some internships or volunteer work and make some good and interesting mistakes. Slacking off isn’t one of them.

From the list of symptoms above, sophomores are more likely to be prone to laziness, re­peated absences and a generally dismissive attitude.

wrong with being the new kids on the block. Honestly, I wish I could be in your shoes and go through this big adventure all over again.

However, now is not the time to lay back and take classes for granted. You are trying to figure out what your interests are, and those annoying gen-eds will help you realize what subjects truly do spark your fire.

From the list of symptoms above, freshmen are most prone to repeated absences and a lack of studying, most likely because they are overwhelmed with the amount of material to review.

Senioritis is a contagious dis­ease that can spread like wildfire, depending on the kind of people with whom you associate. We all occasionally consider taking the easy way out of things. However, making it a consistent habit, espe­cially if you are an underclassman, will do more harm than good.

If you find yourself contracting senioritis, try to eliminate one of the symptoms above and I prom­ise that it will make these next four weeks of classes and exams that much more tolerable.