SAB Hosts Monte Carlo Style Casino Night
The Student Activities Board (SAB) hosted their annual Casino Night at 7:00 pm on Saturday, March 23. Students were invited to join the club in the Student Center’s Anacon Hall where displays of a Monte Carlo venue decorated the room. Students participating in this event were given the opportunity to partake in various games, mimicking an actual casino.
Game chips were given to the guests upon their arrival to use at the game tables located throughout the hall. Betting on the games with chips was up to the players, as they could be exchanged for raff le tickets. At the end of the event, the raff le winners were announced and claimed the gift baskets they won. The night also featured a DJ booth, food buffet and photo booth available to all the guests.
SAB worked together in organizing the event from purchasing decorations to booking a DJ; they contributed what they could to create a fun night for the students. Sami Kosky, junior and festival chair for SAB, ran the event. Anticipating a successful event with regards to previous years, Kosky hoped to have a good turnout. Her expectations were filled while guests continued to arrive with the crinkling of game chips in their hands.
As expected by SAB members, Casino Night turned out to be a success. Everyone seemed to be having a good time, including junior Dana Hochstaedter, who is also a SAB member. Hochsraedter said, “It’s a good turnout. There are a lot more people than I expected.” Casino Night has proven to be a success among students with a good ref lection on the proceedings of SAB.
Students participating in the event f looded the game tables, taking full advantage of the fun the night had to offer. Freshman Rosemary Feliz, being a frequent participator in school events said, “I had a lot of fun. I especially liked the photo booth.” She then added that she would definitely attend SAB’s next event.
Along with Casino Night, SAB holds many events taking place on campus for students’ benefits. Students participating in the club come up with ideas for all students to enjoy. The club is always taking new members and they meet on Wednesdays in room 106 of Wilson Hall at 2:30 pm.
SAB intends to hold their next event on March 14 in the Dining Hall at 6:00 pm. The event, The Pie Day Cash Grab, will be held with the theme of pi day where students will be held in a booth with money blowing around. The members of SAB expect another successful event following Casino Night.