Student Part Time Job

Balancing School and a Part Time Job

Student Part Time JobHaving a part time job seems like an easy way to make some spending money in college.  However, as school commitments begin to increase, dealing with classes and a job can become increasingly stressful. 

So how is it that students can manage to balance both?  It often comes down to developing good time management skills and finding little stress relievers in order to calm down before you go into panic mode.

Having good time management skills has been a lesson taught to us again and again and it is incredibly important. Dealing with a job takes up a substantial amount of time, which ends up giving you less time to complete schoolwork or study. 

Going to class and keeping up good grades is super important and at times seems impossible.  What students need to do is find the delicate balance between going to work and doing a good job there, and still being able to give a hundred and ten percent towards school work.

 Natalie Carpentieri, a senior graphic design student said, “I try to finish the most important things and the stuff with the earliest due dates first.”

 “I also make schedules and to do lists in order to keep myself organized and so that I remember all that needs to get done.  Another thing I do to deal with stress is go for a run in the morning and it gives me energy throughout the day,” said Carpentieri.

Finding an activity for stress relief is just as important as keeping up good grades and succeeding at your part time job. Students who are constantly on the go without a break often crash and even get themselves sick. Burning out due to stress is often seen in college students which just ends up leading to nowhere good.

Physical activities such as running, is a good way to clear your head and help you get over some creative blocks that keep you from completing school work. 

After a tough day at work, running or even going to the gym is a great way to calm down and blow off some steam.

Students need to have the balance between work and school but they cannot forget to include breaks and stress relievers to keep their minds fresh and healthy.

While having a part time job is a good thing, students do need to remember that it cannot take over their entire lives and their priorities need to be in order. If a lot of work shifts during the week are taking away from your studies, ask for less hours or cut back on a day. 

Adjunct professor of art and design, Gina Torello says “Your priorities have to be straight if you want a part time job.  I’m a little biased but I have to say that school always comes first.  Academics need to be your priority and if you manage to stay on top of that, feel free to get a part time job.” 

Patricia Cresson a professor of art and design said, “I agree with Professor Torello.  School is the most important thing and you cannot screw that up.  There’s always part time jobs but if you would like to do something within your major you must focus on school.” 

School is very important and you must have your priorities straight in order to succeed.  Once you have your time management skills down, then a part time job can be added to the schedule. 

College is a balancing act and students need to learn how to keep everything in check.  When stressed, it is imperative to find stress relievers in order to clear your head and calm down.  A part time job is great, but only after you find a way to balance all the stresses of school first.