These days, if you turn the TV to any news station and wait about 15 minutes, you’re guaranteed to hear the name Donald Trump. The current presidential candidate has captivated the world of politics, but I think it’s an area that he should stay far, far away from.
The upcoming 2016 election is anything but a sleeper. America is full of great political figures, however, almost none of them are actually running. Is it a joke? Not really. A satirical reflection of American culture reflected by both the Democratic and Republican parties? Maybe. Let’s take a look at our current candidates:
– Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, NY
– U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, VT
– Rocky De La Fuente, CA
– Dr. Ben Carson, FL
– U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, TX
– Gov. John Kasich, OH
– U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, FL
– Businessman Donald Trump, NY
Okay, let’s start with this question: which one of those things are not like the other? Haven’t figured it out yet? I’ll tell you:
Almost every political candidate has political experience, except the man who leads the Republicans in the polls right now.
That’s right, folks. Donald Trump does not have political experience. Now, I follow up with this: would you let a doctor operate on you with no experience? Would you let a dentist pull a tooth never having done it before? Would you pay to see a concert of a singer you’ve never actually heard of before? I could go on with analogies, but I will stop there. How are you going to let a man with no political experience run the country?
The answer is simple: You do not. Trump is a tyrant and a terror. He is the two-year-old who will go screaming down the toy aisle if he doesn’t get what he wants. He has been known to have no respect for other people, often going over his time limits during debates (more so than the other candidates), attacking those candidates unprovoked, and then denying the attack that he previously made.
For example, in September 2015, Trump attacked former candidate Carly Fiorina on her looks, a sexist attempt to nullify her efforts to be a candidate for the President of the United States. (Fiorina dropped out of the race earlier this month.)
“Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that?” Trump said during a debate. “Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?”
Trump added, “I mean, she’s a woman, and I’m not supposed to say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?”
It is obvious that I don’t think very highly of Trump. Though I may not be the only American who thinks so, he’s still leading the Republican polls.
Come on, fellow students, let’s not make this a joke. Register to vote so he doesn’t become president!