New Vice Provost Palladino

Dr. Michael Palladino Named New Vice Provost of Graduate Studies

Monmouth University has appointed a new Vice Provost of Graduate Studies for the spring 2016 semester.

Dr. Michael Palladino, former Dean of the School of Science, is now the Interim Vice Provost of Graduate Studies. Palladino, who previously taught biology, said that the position entails numerous responsibilities geared toward providing help for students pursuing a graduate education at Monmouth University.

“This position is intended to provide strategic vision for graduate education at MU and leadership across graduate studies to grow our graduate programs and to foster excellence in all aspects of graduate education,” said Palladino. “Putting a strategic focus on all aspects of graduate studies at MU is an important part of this role.  And this will be done through working closely with Deans, Department Chairs, Graduate Program Directors and graduate faculty who are all invested in supporting great graduate programs along with collaboration and partnership with administrators and staff from many other areas including Admission and Enrollment Management, Marketing and Communication, Global Education and others.”

Students pursuing a graduate degree at MU can seek information and guidance with Palladino, as he will soothe the often arduous process of planning a timely schedule to obtain a degree.

Laura Moriarty, Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, said that Palladino was clearly the correct choice for the position, as he has a plethora of attributes that will contribute to the university.

“Dr. Palladino has an excellent track record for scholarly accomplishments and activities,” said Moriarty. “He is articulate, a visionary and excellent communicator. Importantly, he has a clear sense of where we want to go on the graduate level. Dr. Palladino is a proven leader having served as the Dean of the School of Science for a number of years. His experiences, knowledge, and approach in this role makes him well-suited for the role of Vice Provost for Graduate Studies.”

Moriarty added that with Palladino at the helm of the Graduate Study program, she sees more growth in graduate program offerings, more student enrollment, more international students in these graduate programs, and more emphasis on MU’s programs of strength, especially the health-related programs.

“Dr. Palladino is a man who has tremendous knowledge and know-how, yet he listens to every person’s thoughts, ideas, and suggestions. Additionally, he is a man who leads by example. Because of these two qualities, I think he will make a great Vice Provost and bring positive change to the graduate school and Monmouth,” said Mitchell Parker, a senior biology student that has worked with Palladino in research.

Further, Palladino said that he and the University have discussed many goals that they will work toward in the coming months.

“The University’s Strategic Plan places a priority on increasing graduate student enrollment, growing and diversifying our graduate programs, and showcasing our talented graduate students, faculty and programs to enhance the University’s reputation.  One goal will be to ensure that our existing graduate degree programs meet at least three criteria. One, they are of interest to and in demand by prospective students; two, that our programs are market relevant meaning that we are producing graduates with skills, experiences and knowledge that employers want and value (that meet current employment trends for example) or in other cases prepare students for doctoral education, and three, that we have programs that can be supported by faculty expertise because strong research and/or practice engaged faculty are essential for any quality academic program,” said Palladino.

“These will also be the criteria by which we will establish new programs. To meet this goal means that we may have to realign the priorities, curricula and resources of some programs, and other programs may be contracted if there is insufficient student or market demand or insufficient resources to support the program,” he added.

Moreover, Palladino has already implemented many new aspects of the program that are well under-way. He and the University have Initiated feasibility studies to create several new graduate programs, particularly programs in the health sciences, and these programs may begin as soon as  2017. Additionally, the Graduate Assistantships program has been revised for the 2016-2017 academic year, which will create more than 30 new Assistantships across campus and enable graduate students to work as Graduate Teaching Assistants and Graduate Research Assistants.

Palladino has also set goals to improve the “culture, support and visibility for graduate students and graduate education on campus.” Essentially, he aims to provide graduate students with the same support that MU undergraduates receive.

Another goal is to improve the marketing for graduate programs. The University recently overhauled the webpages for graduate programs to highlight positive aspects of each program.

As part of the new Strategic Plan, Palladino is working on a proposal to create a new Center of Distinction, called the MU Institute for Health and Wellness. This will promote the University as “a leading academic partner locally for education, research and community engagement on issues related to the health sciences, disease prevention, and healthcare.”

“I am excited about the opportunity to work with colleagues across campus to support graduate faculty and students and to lead MU graduate studies to greater heights and visibility,” said Palladino. “This is an exciting opportunity for the University at this point in our history as an institution.  Supporting and growing our graduate programs will have lasting, positive impacts on substantially enhancing the reputation of the University in the future.”