
Millennials are the Future

Our elders consider millennials to be “whiny babies” and believe that those in their early twenties lack drive and ambition. The truth is, we are not perfect, but neither generation X, or baby boomers, or any other generation.

Professor Julian Garcia, an adjunct communication instructor, said, “Laziness is a trait that could be in any person no matter what age they are or year they were born.” So, why is it okay to single out young people today as especially lazy or needy?

People generally believe that since millennials grew up with texting, internet, and the ability to form instantaneous connections, that they are all impatient. Some studies show that millennials want immediate feedback and desire to have all of their ideas heard. Why are these things seen as negative traits by older generations?

Garcia continues, “Young people have different technology that they use and they were brought up differently and that might affect the way they work. They [millennials] may rely more on technology than older people, but they’re not lazy, it’s just a different approach to work.”

Liam Frank, a senior music industry student, said, “Many young professionals from this generation are starting to get opportunities to prove their work ethic since lots of companies want fresh young minds.”

The business world and the way the world works in general is changing and evolving a lot. Having young people starting to take initiative and bring their own ideas forward seems obvious to keep up with the changing times.

Frank continued, “Many millennials are perceived as entitled by older superiors and are sometimes victims of age discrimination in employment.” The tough economy makes it hard for millennials to even get jobs right out of school because limited jobs are available and are more frequently given to older, more experienced candidates.

“Do people think we want to live at our parent’s house, working in the food service, feeling like we’re trapped in a money less hole they created?” said Kelly Currie, a senior fine arts student.

Most twenty-year-olds graduate from college in debt and jobless because of the current climate of the job market. Our parents’ and our grandparents’ generations want to look down on us so much, from the way we dress to our “laziness”, but who are the people that raised us? Who are the people that created the world we grew up in? To blame us, millennials, for something we did not create makes no sense.

The stigma surrounded by being young may affect our immediate ability to get a good job, but Frank said “Creative, young minds are especially good for start-ups and internships.”

In my own experience of going to numerous networking events on campus and meeting representatives from various established and new places in the area, I find that these people are very eager to hire young interns who seem motivated to learn.

The point that many Monmouth alumni who come to these networking events stress is to have as many internships as possible. Get experience and be able to build up your résumé for future employers to see.

Garcia explained that a way to try and eliminate the stigma of millennials being too wrapped up in technology can be erased by a good interview. Focusing on eye contact and personal interaction with the interviewer can prove to them that you don’t care more about your phone and are able to focus.

Obviously, it is annoying that millennials have to walk around feeling like we are being judged, but if we prove ourselves better than this stigma, we can run the world.