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Ask Chloe

default article imageHow do I find my niche/what career or extracurricular I am passionate about as a commuter student at Monmouth?- Anonymous

Anonymous– Just starting off as a commuter student at any University can be a confusing time. Luckily, there are many resources to utilize at Monmouth to help you get acclimated. 

Clay Vaughn, Director of  Off-Campus and Commuter Services, stated, “Unlike living on campus, commuter students often have a variety of experiences and responsibilities that they may have to navigate during a given day… With that in mind, I encourage commuter students to be realistic and flexible in how they decide to get involved.”

According to Vaugn, getting a job on campus or attending campus events are great ways to get involved. Definitely try to make friends and meet up on campus to do homework or grab a meal together.

If you are unsure of the career path you may want to take, get some help. William Hill, Assistant Dean of Career Services, said, “This is a question I get from many students, so you’re not alone. Start out by scheduling a meeting with someone in Career Services, who will discuss your career goals and will help you narrow down your interests to something you can focus on. Once there, you can use LinkedIn, career days and other resources to network and build connections to others in your field of interest.”

In my opinion, getting involved and taking the next step for your future starts with you. This is your life, there is no need to rush it or immerse yourself into things you are not 100 percent passionate about.

Good Luck,


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