The University’s United Nations (MUN) Team recently sent a delegation of 31 students to compete at the 66th session of the Harvard National Model United Nations, Feb. 13-16.
Kenneth Mitchell, Ph.D., Chair of the Department of Political Science and Sociology and an associate professor of political science, served as the faculty advisor on this trip.
“[The event] is the oldest and most competitive MUN contest in the world, and this year it attracted universities from 39 separate countries as well as 70 [more] from across the USA,” Mitchell said. “MU’s delegation represented the countries of Brazil, Australia and Mexico. MUN contests model the actual United Nations system, and students compete on different committees – UN Economic & Financial Committee, UN Human Rights Council, UN Commission on the Status of Women, UN Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, World Health Organization, World Trade Organization, etc.”
Committees tackle specific world policy challenges, according to Mitchell. Students represent their respective countries while committees operate dependent on the roles of the United Nations system.
“The goal is to write policy resolutions that bring together different countries and balance national interests to the benefit of the world,” Mitchell said. “The contest started Thursday evening and ended Sunday afternoon.”
MU’s Head Delegates (also known as Team Captains), were Nicholas Boice, a senior political science major, and Payton Collander, a junior political science and criminal justice major.
“[London International Model United Nations] is for sure one of the harder conferences we compete at, being [it’s] one of the largest ones in Europe,” Collander said. “You are surrounded by the most intelligent people from all across the world, all of whom are competing for one spot. I did not think I was going to win but it’s all about preparation and dedication. [The experience was] definitely a highlight in my life and an achievement I will never forget.”
The University’s MUN team continued its four-contest winning streak, as the team had previously never won an individual or team award at the Harvard contest. MU team members won three individual speaker or “delegate” awards.
Paula Echeverria, criminal justice major and team participant, detailed her time at the event.
“Boston was a great experience and it was incredible to see new MUN team members bring home awards.”
Nick Yalch, freshman business major and member of the Honors School, represented Brazil on the World Trade Organization (WTO). The policy’s challenge before the WTO was to “… construct global trade rules that help to combat climate change,” Mitchell said. “Currently, the WTO does not encourage action on climate change.”
Yalch wrote two critical contributions to the committee’s final resolution, according to Mitchell, as the first detailed trade rules pertaining to ethanol and the second regarded trade rules focused upon measuring carbon, specifically, helping to encourage the WTO to recognize the carbon captures by rainforests.
Madison Hanrahan, junior political science major and James Goldbeck, senior biology major, represented Australia on the UN General Assembly Legal Committee that was tasked with designing legal architecture around the topic of Exploring the Rights and Limitations of Digital Citizenship.
“MU’s Model UN team and club wish to thank the Provost Office, the Honors School, the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Hess Business School, the Department of Political Science & Sociology, and SGA for their financial support that made this trip and experience possible,” Mitchell said.
MU Model UN Team’s most recent contest was this past weekend, in London, United Kingdom. 15 students along with Kenneth Mitchell, Ph.D., and Professor Sam L. Maynard traveled to compete at the largest MUN contest outside of the United States.
“The MU MUN Team and Club are open to all undergraduate students and majors,” Mitchell said. “London [has been] the fourth contest that our group has competed in this academic year.”
PHOTO COURTESY of Harvard University