
De-Stressing Post Midterms

It’s midterms season again. We all know midterms are not the most fun part of the semester, but they are an essential part of the class structure and they indicate that you’ve already made it half way through your studies. They can be very stressful but there are many ways you can de-stress during this time. Facemasks, bath bombs, movies, and some time alone or with friends can go a long way to ease stress.

While you’re studying, it’s important to recognize when you need to take a break and relax. Tear opens a facemask and just un-plug from your schoolwork for a little bit. Not a fan of facemasks? Draw a hot bath and pop your favorite bath bomb in,or grab your computer and put on a movie. Whatever you choose to do, just take a breather and relax. Everyone gets a little anxious before any test, not just a midterm. Scientifically speaking, according to the National Institute of Health, students with low levels of test anxiety achieve higher scores on tests than those with high anxiety levels. You may be stressed out before a test and when you take the test, you realize you had nothing to stress over in the first place!

Being stressed out can take a huge toll on your body, mind, and skin. Everybody has their own routine for their skin to help keep it healthy during times of high stress. In an Oct. 12 Cosmopolitan article, dermatologist Mona Gohara outlines the correct order in which to apply your skincare products to make them most effective. Don’t worry though, she reassures readers that all of these products are optional and one should only use what they find helpful.

Step one is to start with a clean base; using an unscented and gentle facial cleanser is the optimal way to start off strong and allow the products to enter freely into the skin.

Step two is to apply a toner; toner is generally used to calm down the skin after being cleansed and preps the way for the later steps, many people find that toner is the first step to go out the window when designing a simple routine because its effect is minimal.

Step three is serums; if you have a skin goal, there is a serum to match it. One of the most popular serums these days is vitamin C serum, which helps to brighten skin and improve coloration.

Step four of our basic skin care routine is moisturizer and sunscreen; this final step locks all the preceding steps in with the added benefit of providing nourishing moisture and UV protection to the skin. The Cosmopolitan article also gives this valuable advice, keep the thinner products toward the front because they cannot penetrate through deep creams and moisturizers.

Anyone can learn to make a routine that is fully customized to their needs. Isabella Sorrentino, a freshman English major, puts extensive care into her skin routine. The brand Sorrentino recommends the most is Clinique. She uses their face wash, make-up remover, and their moisturizer. One of Sorrentino’s destressing methods for midterm is taking study breaks every 45 minutes, so she doesn’t overdue herself. Having an established skin care routine is a great way to look your best but also a wonderful way to de-stress at the end of a long day.

Whether your routine is 12 steps or only three, there is no right or wrong way to take care of your skin or to de-stress. For some people, even studying can be a good way to relieve stress as it can increase test confidence.

Through dedicated trial and error, you will be able to determine the best way for you to destress this midterm season and incorporate that routine into your daily life. For some, it is face masks and skincare, and for others it could be curling up to read a good book. Whatever you find works for you is the right course to take. Unlike your midterm questions, there is more than one correct answer for self-care.