I believe that all four seasons have something special to them. Each season holds its own holiday, or its own special memory that makes it someone’s favorite. Each season holds a different kind of weather, different kind of picture perfect scene, and a different kind of love. But the season that I love most is summer, and I believe that it is the best season.
Summer is a season I hold near and dear to my heart. It holds memories of the beach with my mom, nanny, sister, and cousins. Days at the boardwalk doing all the rides and getting french fries and ice cream from our favorite place. Nights at the neighbors house making smores and sitting by the fire. Long weekends playing soccer and winning several games and ending the day by jumping in our pool
Summer is the best season for several more reasons. One being that we have no school. No worries of stressing about school work, tests, long nights of studying, or early mornings with classes.
Along with this, the weather is perfect. The days are always warm, and in early June and late August is that temperature where it is chilly the most, warm during the day, and cool at night. It is filled with nice breezes most days and clear skies always. Even when it storms, it allows for the air to cool down. Unlike winter where it is always cold, summer is a season where you can walk outside in shorts and T-shirt and never have to worry about being cold.
Another reason it is the best season is because of the sunsets. Every single summer sunset is always perfect. No sunset is the same, they are all different. You can watch the sunset every night and experience a different one, maybe in the same location or in a different one.
Finally, I believe summer is the best season because you can do so many fun things. You can spend your days at the beach for hours. I could spend all day laying in the sun, being in the ocean, or even walking the beach finding endless amounts of shells.
You can also spend however long you want on vacation without worrying about missing class. I love being able to go on vacation with my family in the summer and spending time with them at whatever location that we choose.
Summer is a time to spend with the people you love, especially if you are a college student and you don’t get to see your family a lot throughout the school year. You can spend as much time as you want with them and go on vacations and come home to family dinners.
Summer is a time you get to spend with close friends that are gone for nine months at school and you get to go out and have a fun time with them after months apart. These are memories that you will always hold close to you. And every summer holds different memories which is why I think it is the best.
Summer is that time that everyone longs for, and when it comes you never want it to leave. It is the season where you can relive your youth and enjoy every second of every day. Each summer is a summer you look forward too simply because you never know what it is going to hold. That is why I love it so much and why I believe it is the best season. No season compares in my eyes.