Spring break is said to be when the tan lines may fade, but the memories last forever. Under normal circumstances I would chuck my laptop across the room for having just taken the time to type out that ridiculous quote, however, spring break is over and I’ve got all the feels.
We look forward to this glorious seven day period in which we are free from the grips of higher education and can do as we please, for once! Unless of course your professors assigned work over break… (you know who you are!) Whether you chose to jet off to some tropical island with your friends in search of sun, sand and cheap booze, or you successfully binge-watched your way through Netflix’s library, we can all agree that spring break was both a blessing and a curse.
The first thing I did when I cracked open my new 2018 agenda was create a countdown for break. No matter how many assignments I had piling up, emails I needed to respond to, or whatever other responsibilities life was throwing my way, I knew that as long as I kept my eye on the prize, the prize being March 10- March 16, that I could muster up enough grit to power through my priorities.
Week after week I would look to my countdown as a sort of light at the end of the tunnel, something to bring me back down to earth as I proclaimed for the 17th time that day, “I am so over this semester!”
There is one thing about spring break that they don’t prepare you for: the aftermath. And I’m not just talking about the memories (or lack thereof) and the depleted funds in your bank account. I am talking about the emptiness, people! Those seven days, 168 hours of sweet, sweet freedom and utter bliss are gone, and now all you are left with is a bad sunburn and a beer gut.
How dare colleges set us up like that? Pre-spring break I was motivated and eager to make it my best semester yet (be honest people, how many times have you told yourself that?) and now here I am, eyes glazed over, unable to cope with the fact that I have to be a functioning student for the next six weeks.
Not only is my post-break lethargy kicking in, but I believe I am starting to develop the symptoms of an academically crippling disease: senioritis. Each year this illness affects students all across the globe and there is only one known cure: graduation.
My symptoms have not fully developed yet, however, I fear for my life, GPA and overall experience at Monmouth because I am only a junior. Pre-mature senioritis can be very dangerous and should be handled with precise caution and care. To all my fellow victims of either post spring break syndrome or Senioritis, just know you have an ally! It may not be easy, times will get tough, but I know we can make it through these next few weeks alive (just barely). Let the countdown to summer begin.
PHOTO TAKEN by Brett O’Grady