
Creative Learning

Creative Learning in the Art and Design Department

It has been said that the two sides of the brain are composed of completely separate traits and operations; the left side being the logical perspective and the right being the creative outlook. Both are facets that are divided down the middle, yet they merge together to form the mind as a whole. It’s a yin and yang kind of relationship, one that is said to be necessary for the mind to operate and function. Here at the University, such psychological divisions are being fused together by those involved in the arts.

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The Naked Truth Behind the Strip Search Decision

Take a moment to imagine the following: one second you are driving down the road with your wife and son, carefree and content. In the next instant you are being pulled over, arrested for supposedly not paying a fine and strip searched at a correctional facility not just once, but twice. To some, the situation described might seem over exaggerated and farfetched to say the least, but for Albert Florence the situation was all to real.

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Congress Approval Rating Continues to Decline

Is it Time for Term Limits for Members of Congress?

America is growing restless with Congress demanding change to be delivered, according to recent protests and reports. It is general knowledge that in the game of American politics there is a lust for controversy. It seems, though, that the topic of establishing term limits in Congress has steamrolled in and proven to fulfill the gap in both rolls very nicely.

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The Battle Royale: Anti-Bullying Laws vs. Cyber Bullying

It goes without saying that everyone, at one point or another, has been the subject of a certain brand of teases and taunts labeled as “bullying.” Usually when thought of, bullying is most commonly depicted as a negative type of social interaction taken place in the classrooms and hallways of schools. It seems that bullying has found a new way to seek out its victims in a more convenient and modernized manner; cyber bullying is capable of reaching and affecting millions instantaneously.