HERO Award 1

New Winner Announced at HERO Ceremony

Prevent drunk driving

That is the goal of the HERO campaign, which aims to reward designated drivers for their efforts in preventing vehicular alcohol-related accidents and deaths. The campaign was established in 2000 and has been a large part of the University since 2007. The University held the annual HERO of the year award for the third year in a row last Wednesday.

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University Partners With Ranney School

The University’s Honors School has formed a partnership with the Ranney School in Tinton Falls to spread their knowledge on ethics in business, science and politics. University specialists and professors have agreed to present different lectures to the Ranney School’s Upper School. The students will be enjoying a six-week symposium where they will be able to ask professors questions, discuss topics with each other and enhance their knowledge on a college level. From February to May, there will be a series of lectures, activities and workshops allowing the students of Ranney to get involved to their full potential and understand the topic that much more.