
North Korea Threatens Nuclear Attack on America: Is a Bombing Imminent?

The nation of North Korea is flexing its muscles and trying to scare the international community by threatening to attack the Unit­ed States. Last week, North Kore­an leader Kim Jung Un authorized the use of weapons against Amer­ica. A U.S. official also told CNN that the North Koreans currently have two medium range missiles loaded and ready to attack the U.S. The missile components, ac­cording to American and South Korean officials, have a range of 2,500 miles.


Supporting the President’s Plan for Gun Control will Help Limit Gun Violence

On December 24, 2012, 26 people-including 20 innocent children-were murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary school in Connecticut. After this horrific event occurred, we as a society must take action to ensure it never happens again. President Obama recently laid out a plan to stop these very things from happening. His proposal should be taken very seriously. These simple ideas could go a long way to saving lives in this country. Congress should pass President Obamas proposals to ban assault weapons, require universal background checks when buying guns, and ban high capacity magazines.


The Ins and Outs of Interning in Politics

University Student Interns with Congressman; Encourages Others to do the Same

When I heard those words, “Come in on Monday” I was ecstatic. I wasn’t certain I would get the internship I applied for with Congressman Bill Pascrell, from the 8th district in New Jersey, I just applied thinking the worst they could say is no. So when I heard I had gotten it , I was beyond happy. I never thought that they would take a freshman, especially with so many juniors and seniors looking for experience in politics before they graduate. I gratefully accepted and started one of the most exciting summers of my life.

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American Presidency Class Comes to Campus

Political Science Class that Comes Every Four Years is Getting Rave Reviews

The 2012 Presidential election is only two and a half months away which means it’s time for the University political science department to again offer a class that runs every four years. The American Presidency, being taught this semester by Dr. Joseph Patten. Chair of political science department.

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Early Polls Have Obama Over Romney

With six months until Election Day, President Obama has taken a slight lead over his likely Republican opponent Mitt Romney. Although there is much time before November, this shows how the race will begin to take shape before the summer. Real- has President Obama with an advantage of 3.2 points nationally over Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts. That calculation takes into account national polls from various polling institutions.

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Santorum Suspends Presidential Bid

Rick Santorum officially dropped out of the presidential race last Tuesday in a speech in front of supporters in Pennsylvania. The Republican hopeful had spent the previous few days tending to his ailing daughter, Bella, who was hospitalized for a rare genetic disease. Bella was discharged from the hospital Monday night.


Pre-Law Club Hosts Mock Law School Class for University Students

Class Uses Socratic Method, Often Used In Law School

Legal studies and political science professor Gregory Bordelon taught a mock law school class for students interested in law School Monday, March 26. The class was taught using the Socratic Method, a popular way of teaching used in law school in which the instructor will ask the student questions to stimulate critical thinking and highlight the main ideas on a topic. Students attending the class came well prepared for the intense line of questioning.


Gamechange Airs on HBO About Former Vice President Candidate

The Question Remains: Was Sarah Palin the Pioneer of the Tea Party Movement?

After watching the movie Gamechange this weekend, a film about the 2008 presidential election and, most importantly, the John McCain campaign’s plight controlling Sarah Palin. The question was clear: did Sarah Palin start the Tea Party movement? McCain knew his odds were against him defeating Obama in 2008. The McCain team went for the home run shot in their pick of Sarah Palin for the Vice Presidential candidate, she was either going to boom or bust. According to, “He also is taking a risk that in elevating a largely unknown figure, he undermines the central theme of his candidacy that he puts ‘country first,’ above political calculations.”