Beloved Member of the Communication Department Passes Away
Ray Michelli was someone you just couldn’t miss when you walked into a room packed with people. It had nothing to do with the fact that he was bound to a wheelchair; it had everything to do with an infectious smile, as described by many, which lit up everyone around him.
Beloved Member of the Communication Department Passes Away
Leader in Treatment of Pompe Disease Receives Honorary Degree at Founders’ Day
A visionary fellow Hawk, a philanthropic financial leader, and a father who never gave up were highly recognized at this year’s Founders’ Day on Wednesday, October 12.
When a gander of us should have been enjoying what was left of our summer, something massive occurred towards the end of August. A hurricane was swarming near coastal waters and was expected to crash, not just silently slide, into the East coast.
Working one, two, maybe even three summer jobs really paid off, huh? To see all the money you saved up these past few months (hopefully, you did save) can give you a sense of relief, independence, and financial security.
The University lost a rare, precious and irreplaceable gem during the summer. Rebecca Dermanjian, a first-year student in the Honors school, died in a car accident on June 16.