
Dare to Believe in Your Dreams | Gina Columbus’s Senior Goodbye

I can remember the exact moment when I walked into The Outlook four years ago. Staring up at the masthead that frames the office door, I was meek, naïve – a completely different person than the woman I now see in the mirror. I knew the inverted pyramid and the basic elements of a news story, but really, I didn’t know anything about being a part of a newspaper – ethics, common mistakes, how to interview sources, the all hail AP style and, most importantly, the bonds you can have with your staff.

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How Professors Get the Grade

Getting Familiar With Faculty Evaluations

Students always know when it’s about to happen. With less than two weeks left of classes, the professor wraps up one class a few minutes early, reaching for a manila envelope on their desk. A brief speech about something called the SIRs is brought to your attention as a questionnaire is distributed to you and your peers. The professor quietly leaves, giving you a few minutes to look it over and an­swer the questions laid out before you.


Grad Student Recounts Chaos Aboard the Costa Concordia

According to telegraph. co.uk, the timeline of the night’s events occurred as follows. The granite outcrop had torn a massive hole in its hull at 9:42 pm, when the married couple was enjoying their dinner on the second-floor dining room of the Costa Concordia. The captain allegedly went off-course in the cruise, taking the ship closer to shore than usual. With the hull opened up, water began pouring into the bottom of the ship. Instantly, silverware, plates and glasses began flying off the tables. Lights immediately went out, and came back on. “And things started to tilt,” King remembers.