37 Students Join Gathering in Dublin
During the Ireland trip the group visited places such as Dublin, Killarny, The Blarney Stone, The Cliffs of Moher, and the Dingle Peninsula. Students learned about the Potato Famine as well as the conflict between the south and north of Ireland and Britain. They also learned many different words and terms used throughout Ireland. The students explained that one of their favorite words they learned was “craic” pronounced “crack,” in which the English translation is fun.
Last Sunday, 230 of the University freshmen were inducted into Phi Eta Sigma (PES), one of the largest national honors societies in the United States.
Students Engage in Pen Pal Program to Improve Writing Skills
The Writing Center is teaming up with fifth-grade students at Asbury Park Middle School in a pen pal program which consists of 17 University members including undergraduate students, graduate students and professors. The University and Asbury Park Middle School sent letters to one another on February 14 in a Valentine’s Day project and the program will continue until May.
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