How Lucky I am To Have Something That Makes Saying Goodbye So Hard | Kelly Hughes’ Senior Goodbye
“You get a strange feeling when you leave a place, like you’ll not only miss the people you love, but you miss the person you are at this time and place because you’ll never be this way ever again.”
Unprotected Sex: Are Students Still Not Being Safe?
Sex. Mostly everybody’s doing it, but is anyone really talking about it? No, I don’t mean post-sex details in the locker room or gossiping in class. I’m talking about having that necessary conversation before sex takes place.
Why We Need to Travel to Find our “Happy Place”
“Travel far enough, you meet yourself,” the British author, David Mitchell, once advised this to the world. To be honest, this quote couldn’t sum up my latest travel experience anymore perfectly than I could. I met my better, happier self. Because of this, I now know that traveling has the power to change you as a human being.
Xpire App Allows Users to Self-Destruct Social Media Posts
Some students have been told since high school: “Clean up your Facebook,” “Watch what you say online,” or, “Don’t post something you wouldn’t want the colleges of your choice to see.” Now that these students have made it to the University (perhaps by changing Facebook names, jacking up privacy settings and hiding photos) it’s been a series of: “Don’t post anything you wouldn’t want a future employer to see.”
Read More Books, Because Science Said So
John Green. Nicholas Sparks. George R.R. Martin. J.K Rowling. These are just a few authors that have published brilliant pieces in the world of novels. Authors such as these ones have created elaborate escapes for readers everywhere. Unfortunately, many of these interpretive realms are not experienced as much as they could be.
SnapChat Makes a Savvy Business Call by Creating “Discover”
Has SnapChat looked different in the past couple weeks? Swipe your finger to the right twice and scroll past your stories. You’ll find an unfamiliar screen with popular logos of big time companies like National Geographic, Food Network, People and ESPN. Since 2011, SnapChat has been making waves through generations alike, from tweens to young adults.
No Boyfriend? No Problem. Invisible Lover App Launches
College is finally the appropriate age where students are actually expected to snag a serious partner. Going home for holiday breaks equals relatives asking questions about your dating life. Societal pressure often leads to our generation dramatizing the rush of relationships. How many times have you said to friends: (or saw and rolled your eyes on Twitter,” “It’s cuffing season. “ “Where’s bae?” or “I’m going to be a cat lady.”
A Culture Clash is Coming to “Shameless” Season Five
Showtime’s Shameless has perhaps the most sincere title on television. The simple adjective says it all about the outrageous lengths people (well, poor people) will go to get by. Some of these jaw-droppers include but are not limited to intentionally breaking a leg for booze money or taking other students’ SATs for payment. Even doing adult web videos for side cash or wrongly accusing an uncle of molestation to save the family home are not off limits. These are just a few of a long list of “shameless” moments in the dramedy, which is coming up on its fifth season in January. Now, this poor culture will come head to head with an influx of city newbies: yuppies.