The former US ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany, Phillip Murphy, delivered a speech recognizing the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall in Wilson Hall on Monday, Nov. 17.
Fast Food Does Not Have To Signify Fat Food: Slimmer Options
Fast food. Some of us hate to love it and others love to hate it. Fast food can be a guilty pleasure, or just a downright pressure of eating on the fly, especially for college students crunched for time. Some days we face a heavy work load and barely enough time to eat. That is when we virtually have to opt for fast food. We just need to put something quick and cheap in our bellies on the go.
“Health” Food Myths Debunked
“Eating healthy” is a motto many of us hope stand by in our daily eating habits. However, what exactly is “healthy”? Healthy to some is not healthy to all. This description of ideal food habits is a vague idea that can be confusing, especially to busy, broke college students looking to make the best possible food choices. Often, some foods are generally thought of as good for you but really are not. Luckily, with a little research and willpower, these common health food myths can be debunked.
Apps to Help Avoid Procrastination and Increase Productivity
Apps, apps, apps. We are constantly using the ones we like best and perhaps a little more often than necessary. Even the ones that sit on our home screen lifeless, not so much, but we still keep them around for some reason. For college students, apps usually serve as a means to procrastinate academic responsibilities. Twitter, Instagram and Facebook are common culprits.
Yik Yak App Offers Students Option of Socializing with Anonymity
Ride the Yak. Ride the… what? You might be familiar with this phrase if you have already downloaded the app Yik Yak. Though it launched in December, the app has just begun to circulate amongst students on campuses across the nation and right here at the University.
Advice from College Seniors: Senior Year -The Perfect Time to Persevere, Not Give Up
As we begin our senior year, many of our fellow students have already invested in the luxury of a four class schedule with plenty of time to kill. We see our friends casually drinking on weeknights and going to the beach on weekdays. While we too have some time during the week, we have taken the liberty of keeping our hectic schedule in order to grasp a full appreciation of our college life.
Follow These Few Simple Steps: Summer to Fall Fashion Guide 2014
There are a million reasons to be stressed coming back to school. One of those reasons you should not worry about is what to wear to school. Finding an appropriate outfit after a summer of skimpy cover ups, swim suits, and shorts might seem like an annoying transition to begin. The adjustment from summer to autumn can be simple when you learn how to pair both seasons’ trendiest pieces together.
Thrills, Spills and Chills
The Most Exhilarating Amusement Parks Around the Area
With summer in reach, its time to start ahead on planning daily adventures. Summertime has long been appreciated by college students after two grueling semesters of hard work. Though your summer plans might be taken up by a job or internship, you are usually granted more free time that you lacked during the school year. If you want to take advantage of the warm days with old friends, the area has many amusement parks for you to consider taking a mini vacation.
Plan Instead of Cram
Ways to Make the Most Out of the End of the Semester
In three weeks from today, final exams start. Sometimes this quick arrival of the end of the semester and the spring sunshine can cause students to want to slack off. Skipping class for the mile-away beach, senioritis, or just not caring about the final days of class are common temptations to us.
Post-Grad Wanderlust
Plenty of Places to Move After Graduation Other Than Back to Your Parent’s House
If you are coming upon graduation, your college days at the University are about to be a thing of the past in just one month. Even if you’ve still got a year or two left, it is never too early to start thinking of your future. These following thoughts have likely crossed your mind more than once throughout your college experience. Where will I end up? Will I have to move back home? Where can I get a decent job offering? The answer is there are plenty of places to be considered outside of the garden state. You have the power to choose where the wind takes you.