The other day as I was browsing the website for Magic Mountain, in Londonderry, Vermont, I came across a deal they were offering.
Seasonal Change: A Mood
I was in awe of the beauty around me. The sky was a crystal clear blue, the sun was beaming down upon me, and the trees showing their newly changed leaves.
The Lost Art of Thank You Cards
I’ve got a whole lot to be thankful for. I’ve never known anything but the feeling of being showered with love and support from the people I am lucky to call my family and friends. I’ve never been without a hot meal or a roof over my head, and for that I am eternally grateful.
Get the Heck Out of Here and Get Outdoors
Welcome back to campus! I know many of you have been eagerly awaiting to escape the grips of your parents (love you mom and dad!) and return to campus to resume living in freedom once again.
Realistic Meal Prep
Meal prep. You see the hashtags all over Twitter, Instagram and Facebook along with beautiful pictures of appetizing meals that claim to require little to no effort. Hah. How many times have I convinced myself that I would adopt that #mealprep lifestyle only to abandon it shortly after chopping just one vegetable? More times than I can recall, thats for sure.
Falling in Love with Food
I realized something quite recently and it has made me re-consider my whole relationship with food. My newfound view on life may lead me to become morbidly obese, but so be it, I’ll be smiling bite after bite.
The Spring Break Blues
Spring break is said to be when the tan lines may fade, but the memories last forever. Under normal circumstances I would chuck my laptop across the room for having just taken the time to type out that ridiculous quote, however, spring break is over and I’ve got all the feels.
Today’s Technology
It’s been 2018 for about two months now and I am in awe of how “futuristic” our everyday lives are becoming. What once was thought as space-age technology is now a reality, and it doesn’t look like it is going to stop any time soon. The other day I was babysitting and the little girl was showing me her new iPhone X (because all 5th graders need one, right?) and how she no longer needs to physically type in a passcode, but rather her phone unlocks based on facial-recognition technology.
Winter Weekends
If there is one thing I’ve learned so far throughout my three years of college, it is that Loverboy’s “Working for the Weekend” is not only an absolute jam, but that it’s lyrics speak volumes.
Summer: Vacation vs. Internship
With temperatures just creeping over 60 degrees this past week, it is safe to say that summer is approaching. I know, I know, that silly groundhog thinks otherwise and we haven’t even begun midterms yet, however, this semester is flying by and it will be coming to a close before we know it.