“Racing into the Space Age: The Life, Scholarship, and Legacy of Dr. Walter S. McAfee,” was held on Friday, Feb. 5. The event honored the accomplishments of the African-American scientist.
Panel Discusses Police Violence and Reform
A panel discussion titled “Policing in Communities of Color,” which discussed police violence and police reform, was held on Wednesday, Feb. 10. The event was led by Marie Mele Thomas, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice. It was also co-sponsored by the University’s Intercultural Center, School of Humanities and Social Sciences’ Sociology Program and Helen Bennett McMurray Endowment for Social Ethics.
Dean Veit Presents History On Joseph Bonaparte’s Estate
Richard F. Veit, Ph.D., professor of anthropology and interim Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, presented “A Monument to Fallen Royalty: Rediscovering Joseph Bonaparte’s Point Breeze Estate In Bordentown, New Jersey,” on Wednesday, Feb. 10.
What To Do When Someone Takes Your Credit
It’s always a little awkward when someone takes credit for your achievement. Being part of the team doesn’t always mean being part of the process, and it can rub you the wrong way when someone jumps in the limelight but wasn’t there originally in the crossfire.
University Hosts First Annual Sustainability Week
The first annual Sustainability Education Week, a weeklong series of events held by the School of Education, kicked off with “Issues & Trends in Environmental Sustainability” on Monday Feb. 15.
Sakamoto Days: The Secret Life of a Former Killer
“Sakamoto Days” is a new manga published by Shonen Jump and Viz Media.
Bhopal: A Prayer for Rain World Cinema Series
The World Cinema Series recently held a discussion on the film “Bhopal: A Prayer for Rain” as part of its “A Delicate Balance: Global Communities and the Natural Environment.” theme on Tuesday, Jan. 26. The discussion featured an introduction from Professor Thomas Pearson, as well as words from Datta Naik, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry, and Marina Vujnovic, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Communication and an expert on global communication.
Athletic Director McNeil Honored During Women’s Sports Event
University Vice President and Director of Athletics Marilyn McNeil, Ph.D., was honored as a guest speaker during the 2021 National Girls and Women in Sports Day virtual celebration on Wednesday, Feb. 3. The event was hosted by the New Jersey Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women.
Vaccines Are Coming, So Where’s The Excitement?
Vaccines for the general public are inching closer and closer. Some friends, family members, and colleagues may have already received their first dose if they’re part of an early phase.
Chair Rapolla Joins Music Executive John Esposito On Industry Webinar
Chair of the Music and Theatre Department and Director of the Music Industry Program Joe Rapolla, joined music executive John Esposito on “The Smartest People in the Room” webinar. Hosted by music industry headhunter Tom Truitt, the episode detailed Esposito’s rise to becoming CEO of Warner Music Nashville.