
Keynote Speaker: Autumn Womack

Monmouth University’s sixth annual “Toni Morrison Day” began with a speech delivered by Princeton professor and Toni Morrison scholar, Dr. Autumn Womack. President Leahy provided opening remarks in which he specifically commended Monmouth’s “first-rate” department of English, which organizes the event yearly. The tradition started after Morrison’s death in August 2019 and the then Department […]

News Uncategorized

New Jersey student-teacher Pilot Program scholarship increases to $4,500

The New Jersey Student-Teacher Pilot Program that was passed by Governor Phil Murphy last year has increased its initial $3,000 stipend by 50% to $4,500 for full-time clinically placed student-teachers. The New Jersey Education Association (NJEA) said the program for student-teacher candidates has been well received. $10 million has been reserved in the state’s budget […]

Entertainment Music

“Unreal Unearth: Unheard”: Hozier’s releases new EP

Mar. 22 welcomed the surprise release of Hozier’s newest EP “Unheard,” featuring tracks that missed the last August release of his third studio album, “Unreal Unearth.” The original LP is structured according to Dante’s “Inferno,” as the Irish singer-songwriter allocates songs to corresponding circles of hell.While teasing new music on his social media earlier this […]

Entertainment Music

Taylor Swift’s “1989” (Taylor’s Version) Gives Fans Flashbacks to Her Emergence in Pop

“1989 (Taylor’s Version)” is the fourth re-recording that Taylor Swift has completed in the last three years, in a series of regaining ownership of sound recordings bought without her knowledge in 2019. The original album, released in 2014 and titled with a nod to her birth year, featured a series of pop-synth beats that classified […]