
Film Poster Exhibition Excites

Ever want to see a musical movie starring The Black Eyed Peas? Or would you prefer to see Selena Gomez in a Vietnam movie? In the hallways of the new Rechnitz Hall, the community can find some unfamiliar movie posters. Students from Professor Karen Bright and Professor Pat Cresson’s digital imaging classes have created their own movie posters based on film concepts they created. The gallery consists of students who have taken the class in the last three semesters.


The Honors School Takes on First Year Long Mission

Honors Students Support The Kourtney Rose Foundation

Honors students are known for being dedicated to their homework, but now they would like to be known for their dedication to philanthropy as well. The Honors School has decided to support a charity this year, The Kortney Rose Foundation. This is the first time that the Honors School has decided to take on a year long service project.


Potentially Exciting Television

By now you’ve probably heard that “Boy Meets World” is coming back. Well, it might be coming back. The spin off series, titled “Girl Meets World”, could be on Disney channel next year if the series gets picked up. Right now it is considered ‘in development,’ the same place that Joss Whedon’s The Avengers spin off is along with what could be the new “Downton Abbey”. Networks are developing pilot episodes before to determine if these would be successful series. These are just a few of the series that television fans are keeping their fingers crossed to see on their screens next year.