
Dr. Daneshgar Presents on “Ghost Forests”

Pedram Daneshgar, Ph.D., Professor of Biology, presented the penultimate educational Climate Crisis Teach-In event on Tuesday, April 4. The event, titled, “Ghost Forests: What’s lost and What’s Gained?” explained the emergence of “Ghost Forests” and their ecological impacts. The term “Ghost Forests” refers to an area of dead trees that have been exposed to water, […]

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Brazilian Poet Visits MU for Climate Crisis Teach-In Event

Brazilian poet Salgado Maranhão and translator Alexis (pron. Alexie) Levitin came to The Great Hall for a bilingual poetry reading in Portuguese and English on Wednesday, March 29. Co-hosted by the Department of English, Intercultural Center, Institute for Global Understanding, and Department of World Languages as part of the Climate Crisis Teach-In series, the event […]

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Black Women and Resistance

As part of its Black History Month programming, Monmouth’s African Diaspora Studies (ADS) Program, presented “Black Women and Resistance,” on Thursday, Feb. 23. The event featured presentations from three Monmouth faculty and closed with a panel Q&A. Julius Adekunle, Ph.D., Professor for the Department of History and Anthropology and Director of the ADS Program, presented […]

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School of Science Hosts Sea Level Rise Discussion to Begin Teach-In

Monmouth’s Climate Crisis Teach-In 2023 kicked off its first event of the semester with “The Sea at our Doorstep – How Rising Sea Level Will Change our Coastal Communities in the Next 30 years and Beyond” on Monday, Jan. 30. As per the University’s website, the overarching goal of the teach-in “is to generate discussion […]


Drama Over Speakership

After an eventful number of weeks and 14 failed votes, Kevin McCarthy (R) of CA’s 20th district was elected Speaker of the House on Saturday, Jan. 7. Normally, the House successfully elects their speaker in an almost ceremonial way, swearing in new members on the same day as it elects a leader. In fact, this […]


The 2022 United States Midterm Elections: What Is On The Ballot And Who Will Win? – The Republicans

Midterm elections will take place on Nov. 8, 2022. Democrats currently represent a slight majority in the House, holding 220 seats while Republicans hold only 212 seats. The Senate shows a relatively even split between Republicans and Democrats, with 48 Democrats and two Independents who caucus with them, and 50 Republicans. Vice President Kamala Harris […]