
Christmas Time Once Again

My favorite holiday is Christmas, but not for the reasons you may think. I do not care about the gifts. To me, Christmas is about the joy you get from enjoying the simple pleasures like the lights on the tree, kisses under the mistletoe, and building gingerbread houses. My favorite part of Christmas is giving […]


Time to Make Plans

During my childhood, it was a common practice for my school to go into “lockdown” at least once a month. Some places practice tornado drills, other places practice earthquake drills, but I practiced active shooter and bomb drills. I remember these drills clearly. I remember the code that my district used to signal lockdowns, I […]


Expectations Not Met

Life has changed drastically since the start of the pandemic, and it continues to change. In the beginning of 2020, we were attending school like we always had. Completing work, maintaining a social life, and attending classes was all I knew. When the pandemic hit, students and teachers had to learn to adjust to the […]


Are Movie Theaters Thing of the Past?

With all of the advances in technology and the different streaming services available, it leads me to wonder if movie theaters are losing their relevance. Some services like Paramount and HBO Max allow you to watch movies the day they come out by paying a monthly fee. Some people feel paying this fee once a […]


You Do Not Always Have to Be OK

In today’s society, there is a stigma surrounding mental health. People throw around the word “anxiety” for anything, but when a person has anxiety or depression, they are frowned upon. Something many people fail to consider is that your physical health and your mental health are directly related. Some people say any feeling you have […]


Pearson of the Year is…

Every year, Time magazine selects a new person as their person of the year. This means that the actions this person has taken over the year, either good or bad, influenced the events of the year. If I was lucky enough to choose a nominee for this honor, it would be you. All of you. […]